Eight years old part 1

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A few days after Liv's Eighth Birthday, I had booked a plane to go to England and stay with my family for a few weeks. Liv had never been out of LA. I wanted to go home and catch up with my family and my friends. I hadn't seen my parents in 2 years and I missed them. Liv was always talking to them on Skype and it was lovely to see the relationship they have grown to have.

"When are we leaving Mom?" Liv asked me.

"Soon. We just have to pack a few more things before heading to the airport. We'll be there before you know it." I told her packing a few more essentials into my suitcase. I had gone through Liv's a few times and there was nothing wrong with it but she has a short attention span and I didn't want her to get bored and restless on the plane.

I had packed a bag of things for her to do while on the plan. Drawing, reading, listening to music and packed her favourite snacks. You wouldn't be able to get her to talk or even look at you when she's drawing. Its her passion and it makes me happy to see her happy doing something she loved.

"Will we get hurt on the plane?" She asked and I put down the pile of clothes that was in my hand and pulled her to me.

"Of course not, why would you think that?" I asked. I was worried as to why she would ask me something like that.

"Because of all the plan accidents that have happened lately." I sighed and put her face in my hands.

"Nothing will happen to us I promise." I told her kissing her forehead. "Now, why don't you get your suitcase and wait for me down stairs. I just have to finish packing something's quickly." I told her and she walked out. I smiled. I continued to put in my makeup bag and a few pieces of jewellery.

I quickly applied my disguise to keep the fact I have a small child with me a secret. We were on a private plane anyway so as soon as I get through customs I could take it off. But I needed to be safe and keep Olivia safe by keeping my identity hidden at least until shes older.

I then pulled my suitcase down the stairs and put it next to Liv's that was by the door. I grabbed my keys and bag off the kitchen counter making sure I had the tickets and passports and money for some lunch before we get onto the plane. Our flight wasn't until 3:00pm and we had to be there four hours early to get signed in and get our luggage onto the plane. I was planning on getting us both some lunch before getting onto the plane.

"Are you ready?" I asked her and she nodded vigorously. I smiled at her and she giggled. "hen lets get into the car." She pulled her suitcase down the driveway to the trunk of the car and I followed close behind her after locking the front door. My friend Ashley was house sitting for the few weeks we're away. I could trust her. She was the only one who I could trust.

"I'm so excited to see everyone Mom." She told me as I strapped her into her car seat.

"Me too." I told her quietly.

"I've missed them all. Do you think they've missed me?" She asked and I looked at her from the rearview mirror.

"Of course they have missed you. You speak to them all the time and they never hang up the phone until they have spoken to you. You know that. I've missed everyone too. But they've missed you far more than they've missed me." I giggled, getting into my seat and driving off towards the airport. This was going to be a long journey. I just couldn't wait to see my friends.

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