Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

My lungs burn. They're prickling with pain, my chest tightening with protest as I take another stroke before breathing. Water glides across the contours of my body, each stroke getting me closer and closer to the wall. I turn to my head to the side, gasping for a breath of air before plunging my head back into the water.

My eyes dart to the lane next to me. Bennett's lane. His lithe body is in line with mine, matching me stroke for stroke. I kick with a frenzy, churning the water against my paddling feet with the effort of an overworked mill. It's neck and neck, but I have to beat him. I have to.

The familiar sensation returns after I take another four strokes without a breath. I'm nearing the end of the lane, and I give it every last bit of energy I have in me. Every muscle becomes taut with strain until my fingertips press against the pad at the end of the lane.

I gasp for air and immediately glance to the lane next to me. Bennett is doing the same thing, and the two of us crane our necks to glance at the times now being generated on the large monitor overhanging the pool. Another swimmer in lane five is doing the same, but the rest of the swimmers are at least a second behind us. As they finish their races, the water rolls in waves behind them, lapping against my chest with only a fraction of the ferocity in which it was created.

I pull off my goggles and swim cap, squinting at the monitor until the lanes align with the times popping up beside them. My eyes narrow on Bennett's lane – lane number three – before moving down to lane number four and comparing our times.

When he chuckles softly and begins pulling himself out of the pool, I can feel my chest tightening once again...this time with anger. He beat me by 0.09 of a second. My pride screams against my temple, urging me to slap the water with rage. I turn back to the lane and take a few deep breaths to compose myself.

This is my first round of timed trials in order to earn my spot for the next swim meet. I should be thrilled at my time. If I remember right, it's almost as fast as my best time. If I continue to swim, I have no doubt I'll be able to shave another second or two off.

Bennett sits on top of the swim block and towels down his torso. Coach bellows at us from the end of the pool, but the heavy noise of swimmers echo around my ears, effectively drowning his words. I slide into my fip-flops and glance at Bennett.

"What's he saying?" I ask, trying to hide the envy and irritation in my voice.

"He said good swim." Then he pauses and smirks. "Though I think he was just talking to me."

My grip tightens around my swim cap, and I ignore his words while walking towards the locker room. I'm not sure what's causing me more anger – Bennett winning swim trials or finding out he's in love with Weston.

I shouldn't care about the latter. Even if I'm slowly realizing my attraction branches out to both genders, he's the last person that should catch my eye. why has that feeling of jealousy not subsided?

I push through the locker room door. The group of guys who swam in the trials ahead of us are already here, most of them dressed and ready to leave. Including Roland. As I walk towards my locker, he offers up a sideways glance. His expression is cautious, silently asking if it's alright to approach.

For the past week I've been dodging his calls and texts. It's like I don't know how to talk to him anymore. And before you start tutting under your breath and scolding me left and right, yes - I know he's still the same guy. Even with all the shit that happened with Annie, I know he's still my best buddy.

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