Chapter 40

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Chapter 40 – Trey's POV

I throw my swim bag against my wall and huff in frustration. It's been a week. A full, fucking week since Bennett's rejoined the swim team, and he hasn't tried talking to me. Not a single time. Granted, Roland hasn't made it easy for him. The two of us carpool to practice and leave together, too. It doesn't exactly leave room for conversation, but Bennett seemed so determined to have my attention at the party last weekend. I thought for sure he'd try again.

But he hasn't.

The first few days I told myself it was because he was adjusting to being back on the team. Once Wednesday passed and he still hadn't even attempted to talk to me though, his silent indifference became harder to brush off.

I slump into bed and run my hands through my hair in frustration. Roland keeps telling me to act unaffected, to make him come to me. Easier said than done. Jordan knocks on my half-open bedroom door and pokes her head inside.

"Hey grumpy – how was practice?"

She smirks and puts her hands on her hips. Her windswept hair is pulled into a low bun on the side of her head, and she slides her hands into the pockets of her jean shorts. I'm surprised she's home. It's a welcome surprise, though. She's been spending most of her free time this past week at the lake with Lana, as evident from the tanned color now covering her face and arms.

I glance at her and raise a brow. "Grumpy?"

Jorden steps into my room and gestures towards my gym bag resting against the wall. "I think if you'd thrown your bag any harder it would have gone through the dry wall. And I don't know about you, but I'd like my security deposit back."

"Sorry," I mumble.

Jordan frowns at my tone and comes to take a seat beside me on the bed. She tucks her feet beneath her and sighs.

"No luck with Bennett?"

I grit my teeth and huff at the ceiling. "Does Roland tell you everything?"

Jordan grins. "Well, yea, but he didn't have to tell me this. I'm not just your roommate anymore, Trey. Believe it or not, we're friends. You're into this guy."

She says it like it's a fact from her textbook. I've avoided the topic of my sexuality since day one with Jordan. I'm not comfortable talking about it, but in true Jordan-form, she phrases it in a way that I don't have to. She already knows. She knows, and she doesn't care.

Instead of giving me a chance to respond, Jordan pats me on the shoulder. "He'll come around. I saw the chemistry the two of you had the last time he was here."

Heat swarms through my chest and into my cheeks. My discomfort on this topic is enough to make my skin crawl. I continue staring at the ceiling, and whether it's because Jordan can sense my discomfort or not, she changes the subject. Thankfully.

"So I was thinking," she says, clapping her hands together. "How about we throw a little get-together here tonight?"

My eyes widen in surprise. "Did you just suggest throwing a party? Here?"

Jordan rolls her eyes and laughs. "Correction – I said get-together. Not party. There's a difference."

My lips curl into a slow smirk. "Sure there is. And this sudden change of heart wouldn't have anything to do with Lana, would it?"

Jordan scowls and swats my shoulder. "Do you want to host one here or not?"

A party – whoops, sorry, 'get-together - sure as hell beats my current plans for tonight of wallowing in my own self-pity. I prop myself onto my elbows.

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