Chapter 1

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I woke up this morning and didn't see or feel any fae presence. That's very odd. They're usually always there. Maybe they finally relented and gave up trying to lure me away. For once I'm actually smiling. I throw on my pale blue blouse, that I never wear, and my favorite pair of skinny jeans. As I am braiding my long dirty blonde hair I hear my mom open the door. I finish my braid and slip on my converse before I turn around to face my mother.

For as long as I can remember it's been only me and her. My father died when I was very young. We settled here when I was five. I usually never care what I look like but today was special. This was the day they actually left me alone. All my life my mother has been complaining and telling me to try with my appearance. She's been pushing me to gain friends and today I'll actually listen.

"Rosaline," mother started. "You look ravishing. And look you are actually smiling." She embraced me and I gave her a little squeeze. My mother was thirty-eight years old but she looked forty from all her relentless worrying about me. Her eyes are a sparkling teal. She is five feet ten inches tall, only one inch taller than me. Mother has reddish-brown colored hair. And my mother is always smiling and happy.

"I decided why not give it a chance," I replied pulling away. "I mean I'm sixteen years old I might as well look good." Mother always said I looked like my father. I apparently have his dirty blonde hair. My eyes are gold and Mother always says that they are the color of a purest flame. I have olive skin with freckles sprinkled here and there.

"When you smile you look just like your father," she said happily. "That look suits you, better than your father." Mother put a finger to her lips and ushered me out the door. "Go and don't be late for the bus."

I swung my bag onto my shoulder and kissed Mother on her cheeks. As soon as I was at my bus stop James came up behind me and yelled boo. Obviously I screamed and swirled getting ready to punch who ever did that but he caught my fist and snickered. His forest green eyes gleamed with amusement. His silver hair glittered in the early morning sun. He is five feet eleven inches and he is my best friend.

When he stopped laughing he looked me up and down and I could see the mischief in his eyes. He was the one person I felt safe with. He was the only other person that could see them. James let out a low whistle and circled me like I was his next meal. On instinct I bent my knees just slightly. Then I quickly straightened and looked at him to find his gaze locked on my face.

"You look...amazing," he said. If you didn't know him you wouldn't have detected that his voice was a little breathy.

"Thanks, I tried for once," I replied smiling. He had never seen my real smile and now he has. I wondered what he was thinking and why his voice was a little breathy. But before I could ask I heard the bus coming and turned to face its doors. James's hand brushed mine and butterflies flew into my stomach.

As I stepped into view of the other students they all whistled. I ignored them and sat in my usual seat James sliding next to me. He seemed different today. He was a little more...clingy than normal. When he brushed my hand with his I didn't know what to make of it. A hand tapped my shoulder drawing me from my thoughts. I turned and realized it was Cassy.

Cassy was the head popular girl. She had blonde hair and rich brown eyes. She was tan and slender. She never talked to me never mind touches me. I gave her my best smile and she gave me one back and opened her mouth.

"You look amazing today," she said sweetly. "What changed? Did you get new clothes or did you just grab something and go?"

"Actually, Cassy, I woke up smiling. These clothes I have had for a little while but never wore them. I decided it was time to change," I replied still dazzling her with my smile. "It feels good to look good." She chuckled and nodded.

"Who did your hair?" asked a redheaded girl next to Cassy. Alicia, I believe. She is Cassy's right hand gal. Always following Cassy where ever she goes.

"I did, it took a good ten minutes to get through it all," I laughed. They started to laugh too and when I went to turn away Cassy grabbed my shoulder.

"I'm having a sleep over tonight wanna come?" I stared at her for a few moments and then sobered my expression.

"I would love to," I said with a confidence I've never felt before. She handed me a pink sheet with her number and address. I gave her my number aloud so she could add it into her phone right away. I muttered my thanks still smiling and turned away, this time she let me.

James was staring at me when I stopped the conversation with the popular girls. That's when I noticed his hand was touching mine. The butterflies came rushing back and I smiled. He gave me a small smile and turned away. He was definitely different. I was still me just new clothes and actually smiling. His whole personality was different. It changed when he looked me up and down with that mischievous look.

I poked his side and he grunted turning to me. I crossed my legs on the seat and leaned against the cold window. He stared at me and then smiled his regular smile and pinched my arm. I squeaked and made to pinch him back but once again he grabbed my hand before it could touch him. We stared at each other; gold eyes versus green eyes. My eyes danced with words I didn't dare speak.

Sneaky little prick, I can never get back at you a second time.

His eyes shone with words that were as clear as day. Aw, come on love, you know you're just not quick enough.

Before he could blink I twisted from his grasp and pinched his thigh. I'm not quick enough? Please, I just won.

Oh did you now? I don't think you got the prize you wanted. He made a kissy face and I looked away feeling a flush burn my face. He tried to get me to look at him but I wouldn't not until my cheeks stopped burning.

The bus rolled a stop in front of our school and my flush finally went away. I stood up too quickly and almost fell but James caught me standing me up right. I mumbled thanks and looked at him. He had his back turned to me and was letting everyone go ahead of us. He wanted to talk, I could feel it. I kept smiling to everyone that passed and Spencer looked away a blush coloring his cheeks. 

The Unseen (Book one of the Ro, James, and Alicia trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now