Chapter 12

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I screamed, which caused her to loosen her hold on me. Footsteps came crashing as I wiggled out from her grasp. She grabbed my wrist and I kneed her stomach. Pushing her back, I backed up, running into one of the overly vibrant trees. Alicia brandished a steel knife, smiling wickedly.

"You bitch, I guess I'll have to get you the hard way," she sneered, her sapphire eyes sparkling evilly.

I screamed and threw up my arms as she lunged, waiting for the contact that never came. Instead, a big wolf with golden eyes and a rider upon his back blocked her path to me. Alicia froze, going as stiff as the surrounding woods. The rider atop my cousin's back had silver hair and green eyes. My heart picked up as he hopped down and looked at me.

I couldn't bring my eyes to his, for I knew what emotion awaited there...anger. He stepped up next to my wolf and leaned casually against him. My cousin bared his teeth at Alicia and it took all I had to walk up beside James. 

"What do you think you're doing here Alicia?" James inquired. "I hope that you're not about to hurt my dear Ro."

"Pfft, what do you care boy?" her voice was like ice rushing across hot skin. "You don't love her, you're using her so you can bring her to her father and gain his favor. I actually care, yes I admit I did try to hurt her but it was for her own good!"

"Liar," James hissed.

Slowly, I felt my blood rushing to my feet. Blackness crept on the edges of my vision and I placed a hand on James's arm to steady myself. He brushed me off but then caught me as I fell. Alicia's voice cut through the invading shadows.

"I'll show her your intentions then."

The world faded to black but a new landscape took its place........


A shining white marble floor stood beneath my feet. High glass ceilings sent pure sunlight down onto my skin. Sky blue walls marbled with dark blue took up the remaining space. A long green carpet ran to where I stood at the entrance to the large golden throne at the other end. The man atop the throne had my gold eyes and my dirty blonde hair. 

Two figures stood at the foot of his throne, kneeling with respect. I floated closer seeing that the figures were James and I.

"Rise," the king boomed. 

Obediently, we stood. My clothes were dull compared to the bright blue and gold robes the king wore. He had a close shaven beard on his otherwise clear face. His skin practically glowed with power. He smiled at me smally, amusement glittering in our eyes.

"So, daughter, you've finally arrived," his gaze narrowed on James. "It seems that my warrior has been sleeping with you, is that so warrior?"

"I did what I had to to get her to trust me enough to bring her here," James said.

My face fell, I was flabbergasted at the blandness of which he said it. "So everything you said, everything we did was a lie?" I choked on unshed tears. He wouldn't meet my eyes. "Look me in the eyes warrior."

His head snapped up, his eyes met mine. Shock at how I dropped his name for a label written plainly on his face. Hurt flickered across his face. Regret shot through me but the hurt and pain of his words over took it.

"All our plans to get around the rules, were those just words said? How about the kisses you gave me when I was upset? Oh and what of the tears you cried when I'd died? Were all those fake gimmicks to get me to come willingly?"

"Of course not!" James shouted. "At first yes, but in the end I wouldn't trade you for the world." he reached for my hand but I pulled away.

"You lied to me! Used me to gain my father's favor! I can't forgive that."

"Ro, please."

"Any words you say won't take the pain away."

The brightness of my father's court faded into black and the forest came into focus once more............


The Unseen (Book one of the Ro, James, and Alicia trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now