Chapter 7

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The next weeks were brutal; one hundred push-ups a day, fifty sit ups and fifty pull ups. It was as if our love had faded and we were at boot camp. Hand to hand combat, running, magic to magic combat, and hand against magic and blind combat.

He told me, "If you want to win battles you need to know where enemies are approaching you from, without looking. You need to feel them, their essence and their magic."

We mastered every other battle style before the blind combat because I needed to learn how to fight before I could fight blindfolded. My ears sharpened into slender points and I kept my canines in. The blindfold was on and the world was empty, but I reached my magic out to touch any others magic. I sniffed the air and listened to every little detail of the nature.

My magic collided with James's, but it was weak. He was assessing me from the southwest corner. His power was coming closer faster and I knew he was running for me.

As soon as I felt him almost get to me I dropped down into a crouch and felt him trip over me. I didn't think I just let my magic guide me and I pounced on him pinning his arms down with my knees and pinning his neck with my forearm. Sliding the dagger from my boot, I angled it against his rib cage so if he

moved it would slice right up into either his lungs or heart. I heard the double tap on the ground which meant surrender and I got up.

He smiled at me as I pulled off my blindfold. "Go run the whole perimeter twice." I set off at a good pace and increased as I went letting the wind push me.

When I got back to the house, the sun was just setting and I was pleased with my timing; I was a lot quicker than last time. A growl sounded from behind me and I tucked and rolled out of the way as it leapt. My knife was instantly in my hand but I put it back as soon as James waved at me from atop this massive wolf.

He hopped down and the wolf changed into a tall man. He was tanned with brown hair and gold eyes, like mine. He bowed to me and saluted James. I stepped forward and smiled at the young man. He smiled back, but James smiled a warning at the man.

"This is Derek, he's your cousin from your dad's side and will help you with your shape shifter abilities as I cannot," James said to me and then stepped back.

Little did he know I have been practicing turning into wolves and lions and poisonous snakes while he left for his errands. The young man looked at

me and began to speak.

"First you think of your animal," he starts and I already have one in mind. "Then you let your magic take over, your limbs start to become transparent and—" he stopped as I was already transformed.

My wolf form suited me well. The white fur stuck out but blended in. My gold eyes glittered like a flame dancing and my canines were huge. I was now a huge white mist wolf. I made myself go transparent like my kind does and I stalked over to James and solidified behind him. I snarled softly and he screamed.

When I transformed back I was bent over laughing. He was red faced and lunging at me. My wind protected me and so did my cousin. His wolf form was blacker than the blackest night and his eyes shone like embers in the night. James backed off but was grouchy the whole evening.

The moon came out and I smiled up at it. Derek had bid us farewell a good while ago and James wandered off into the woods somewhere. I lay back on the roof looking up at the stars.

I believe that everyone who dies doesn't leave everyone behind, their soul becomes a star and they look after us. All the stars in the sky mean something, they are our loved ones shining down on us and

protecting us. I pick up James's footfalls before he emerges from the woods but I don't look at him. I'm getting lost in the moon and stars.

My soul tugs to run and be free with them so I do. I hop down and run the perimeter thrice on foot letting the wind run with me and letting James chase me. My energy level went up and the moon shines on me like a glorious sun in the dark. Once I'm home I am panting slightly and James collapses onto his knees breathing heavily.

"What the hell?" he snaps.

"I needed to run and move, you didn't have to chase me," I reply with a shrug of the shoulders.

"I did, because I thought you were leaving me. You were so prosperous then you just jumped up and bolted."

"I would never leave you," I kneel so that we are at eye level. "You are my moon, my wind, my everything. I would never leave you." With that he kissed me and I kissed back. Our mouths danced together for what seemed like forever until he pulled away and cupped my cheek. I smiled and he smiled back.

"It's getting late we should get some sleep," he

says. I nod and we head inside.

Inside, a girl with red hair perches on the bed. I rub my eyes but she doesn't go away, she's real. James grabs my hand and snarls.

"Alicia?" I ask gazing at her.

Her smile blinds me and her eyes sparkle like the sky. "I'm back sugar pie."

Sugar pie? She never—

She screeches and I drop to the floor.

I wake up on the bed tucked under the sheets. James is sitting cross legged at my feet staring at me. As soon as he registers that I'm awake he's by my side within an instant. My ears are ringing and I can't tell if it was all a dream or not.

James pulls me to his chest and kisses the top of my head. I snuggle close into him and let him hold me. We sit there for a couple of minutes, enjoying each other's silence. Then he clears his throat and sucks in a breath.

"How are you feeling?" he asks quietly. Even that makes me wince.

"I'm okay, but my ears are super sensitive," I

say in an almost inaudible whisper.

"Sleep, you need to heal. Let your body take over and you rest but you need to eat something first," he reaches to the end table next to the bed and grabs a bowl of steaming hot soup.

It looks like Ramen noodles, my favorite. He twirls the noodles on the fork perfectly and blows on it gently. He lowers it to my mouth and I take it gently. He smiles as he realized I am actually letting him feed me. Being me I have to give him a retort so I do.

"I can feed myself ya know," my voice is not much higher than a soft breeze. I take the next forkful, and the next, and the next until he lets me drink the broth out of the cup on my own.

I wipe my mouth and lay back down, curling on my side. James pulls the curtains shut and we fall into blissful darkness. He crawls in next to me and pulls me close, holding me to him with one arm wrapped around my waist. Smiling, I close my eyes and tumble into darkness and silence; finally I enter the realm of humble sleep...

Until the nightmares come crashing in, disturbing my slumber and turning it to madness. Nightmares of death and brutality crowded out my dreams. Black and red painted each horrific scene. The Unseen were everywhere, i couldn't escape them. I awoke frequently, always in James's arms. He was always there no matter what he was always there.

The Unseen (Book one of the Ro, James, and Alicia trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now