Chapter 18

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Training was brutal.

100 push ups, 20 squats, 85 sit ups, 30 curl ups, 76 pull ups and a two mile run was just the beginning. 

We shot at random things coming towards me. I ducked and attacked, I shifted and lunged. I twisted and bent. It felt like i was in boot camp and drenched in sweat. The soft James from the morning seemed to diminish into a hard military captain. COmmands were shouted at me and I had to redo everything about ten times until i did perfectly or to his liking. 

"What happened to Mr. Softy?" I growled once as I spun out of his arm span and landed a blow on his lower back. 

"You wanted to train Mrs. Hardass," he grunted and dodged my high kick.

I laughed and training continued.

I had finished the last drill panting and looked up to find James standing with his arms crossed. "Again."

"That was the twelfth time i did that give me a break," I breathed standing.

"Babe, you didn't do it correctly you need to fix it," James said coming towards me.

"I'll show you didn't do it correctly," I mumbled as i attacked. 

I caught him off guard and hit him three times hard. Once in his stomach, once in the middle of his back and once in his groin. He was down on the ground and i surrounded him in illusions taking his worse nightmares and giving them life. I gasped as I saw one of his illusions.

It was me on the ground my dirty blonde hair absorbing my red blood. Alicia standing over me her knife dripping red and he was kneeling before her holding me. I stopped the illusions and saw James crying. 

I guess I did it right this time.

I ran to him and he looked up. I fell to my knees in front of him and he pulled me to him crying softly into my hair. I hugged him tightly. I looked up and grabbed his face in both my hands. Gently i wiped away his tears muttering, "I'm still here," over and over.

Then he brought his lips onto mine kissing me as though he needed proof that I was okay. I let my hands entangle themselves in his silver spiky hair. He pulled me into his lap and I straddled him. We sat like that for a while until I pulled back to gaze at his still damp face. 

"You did it perfectly that time," he whispered and I laughed slightly. 

"Yea well next time I'm not gonna do it perfectly cuz I don't like making you cry," I pecked his lips again and felt him melt against me.

"Did I tell you I love you?"

"You did and you're and idiot."

He laughed and we stood. "Let's go wash up," he said winking.

"Ooh I like the way you think you sly boy."

He laughed and intertwined his fingers with mine. Slowly we made our way back to the house, laughing and twirling, and hopped into the warm water of the shower.

The night took it's toll on him and as soon as we crawled into bed and got comfy he was snoozing away. I closed my eyes and thought of the one thing that would help take away the pain.

He loves me and I love him. I will do anything to keep him with me and safe.

I love him more than life.

He is my life.

With that I fell into a deep slumber of crashing nightmares all with the same red haired blue eyed person.


The Unseen (Book one of the Ro, James, and Alicia trilogy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang