Chapter 8

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After a few days my eyes were back to normal; better actually. But one thought was clouding my brain 24/7.

Was Alicia back or did she really move on?

I can't be sure, all i have are James's words. He would never let me out of the house to see her. Plus, the fact that i don't even know where we are stands in the way as to how i can see her. She lingers in the back of my mind and offers warmth and hate at the same time. Her love for me warms me, but her hate for James scares me. 

Questions swarm my head as i sit in bed waiting for James to come home. I know  by thinking about them they won't get answered so i create little creatures with my fire and water to entertain myself. It's not working, at all.

I grab my book and sit in the bedside chair to pass time. I fell asleep within minutes of reading only waking when i heard James enter the house. I fluttered my eyes open but quickly shut them against the setting light. I turned onto my side and heard James drop something in front of me. My eyes shot open and i jumped out of my chair. James laughed and extended a hand to help me up.

I got up on my own and my face was red with anger and embarrassment. I turned my face so he didn't see it. His laughing stalled and he walked over to me. James's finger went under my chin and tilted my face back to his. Slowly, i forced my eyes to meet his. A smile lit up his face but i was still embarrassed. Pink still colored my cheeks and he smiled at me again.

"What?" I asked.

"You; you're just so funny and beautiful," James whispered. 

"I didn't even mean to be funny," I said a little angry lacing my voice.

His smiled faltered as he detected the anger but it stayed. "I'm sorry, i just thought I'd lighten the mood, try and act like we used to." 

I found myself stroking his cheek with my thumb. "Maybe i like how we are now." A flush crept upon my cheeks again. 

One of his hands slid to my waist and the other to my face. I lace my fingers behind his neck and looked into his eyes. I smiled as his lips met mine. They were soft and warm. His strong arms pulled me close so our bodies were pressed together. I flicked my tongue against his lips demanding entry and he let me. 

My tongue traced his and he sucked on mine. I gave a small moan and that was all the motivation he needed. He picked me up by my thighs and i wrapped my legs around his waist. He pushed me against the wall and kissed me deeper. I sucked on his tongue and was rewarded by a small moan. Slowly, i pulled back and kissed his neck. He placed both hands next to my head and tilted his head back slightly. I started sucking on his neck and he moaned slightly. Pretty certain i left a hickey, I pulled back.

Tracing kisses from his neck to his jaw to cheek to his lips was when he said something.

"Stop teasing me," he whispered against my lips.

"You want control take it, it's all yours," his lips pressed firmly against mine. 

He pulled me to him and walked me over to the bed. Gently he laid me down and kissed my lips several times lightly. Then all of a sudden his hands pinned my arms above my head and he kissed me deeply. I moaned slightly and opened my mouth wanting more. His hand slipped under my shirt and and pulled back briefly. 

"I have to take it slow," I whispered.

"I can do slow," he winked and kept kissing me.

We made out, our breath mingling and our tongues swirling together. My shirt came off and so did his. Sometimes he will like to mess with me and move his hips against mine to a certain spot and make me gasp. But honestly, it felt good and i wanted more. I'm just afraid and i want the moment to be perfect. Warm kisses trailed themselves all over my upper half and i moaned in pleasure. As soon as his lips were back on mine, he moved his hips again and instead of gasping i moaned. He pressed closer and harder and i couldn't help myself, i moaned loudly.  The pressure vanished and our tongues and lips were doing their own dance. 

After what seemed like hours, we reluctantly peeled away from each other and I curled up against his side. He held me close and hummed softly to me. I was so relaxed and was so close to falling asleep when a loud high-pitched ringing filled my ears. 

I pulled back, my hands flying up over my ears. James was in front of me within seconds, he was trying to talk to me but i couldn't hear him the ringing was too loud. My eyes squeezed shut and i felt a warmth trickling down my wrist. Slowly, i pulled back and saw blood flowing down my wrist. the ringing was dimming but it was still too loud. James grabbed my wrists and i looked at him. His lips were moving with no sound coming out.

I screamed. 

The noise was too much and i screamed clawing at my ears. tears trickled down my face, mixing with the blood from my ears. James had given up talking and instead moved to trying to take my hands away from my ears. 

Kicking and thrashing and clawing were my only defenses against the noise but the noise wouldn't stop. My eyes were shut but i could see James and Alicia. Alicia was all bloodied and lying in a pool of red that was not her hair. James was pinned on the wall, limp and not breathing. And me? I was in the corner, my mouth set in a silent scream and eyes wide open. A man with my eyes, my smile and my DNA stood in the center of the room. 

My father was splattered with blood, his face stained with tears and a sword hanging limply at his side with blood slowly dripping off. He walked to me and stroked my cheek, but i didn't move. Blood was slowly leaking from my chest flowing all around me. Fresh tears flowed down his porcelain face, mixing with my freshly poured blood.

My father, my flesh and blood, had killed me and the two people i had ever loved.

I snapped open my eyes, panting hard. The ringing picked up again but i could only see my father's face as he looked at my dead body, the body he murdered. Tears freely flowed off my face and small sounds of pain escaped my parted lips. James had gotten a hold of my wrists and i wasn't fighting him anymore. All of a sudden the ringing got really loud. I thrashed and screamed and shook my head and my whole body was shaking. 

It was as if tho i had no control over my body and my eyes kept replaying the scene over and over and over again. All the control was gone and there was nothing i could do except fight until i couldn't fight no more. The sound was escalating and so were my screams. My stomach was splattered with blood and tears. 

"Make it stop!" I screamed. "God, just let it end!!!" 

James screamed at me, "Ro, stop fighting and take a deep breath!!"

But i couldn't. I couldn't stop fighting, not with this noise and that visual. No way in hell was i going to let this take me out. Struggling, I managed to take one breath but it didn't help. Anything would be better than this; I'd prefer to burn in the firey pits of hell than continue this ongoing torture.

Then the noise stopped, the lights dimmed and my body was motionless.   

The Unseen (Book one of the Ro, James, and Alicia trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now