Chapter 5

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"Come again?" I asked leaning forward slightly with my mouth hanging open.

"I said—" he started but I cut him off.

"I know what you said. But why are you asking me this? Choosing between my brother and my girlfriend is not an easy thing to do. Either way I'm screwed on who I pick," I say. Alicia chuckles softly and I smile knowing she got my joke.

"This isn't a laughing matter," he hissed at us. "Will you choose the fey and take up your rightful place

as the half-breed princess or pick this mortal?"

My jaw hit the floor. What? I cannot be a half-breed. I have been tortured by them my whole life I cannot be one of them. Right now I am disgusted with myself and it takes all my instincts not to rip my flesh open and drain myself of this vile blood.

Me? A princess? I don't have enough grace to be a civilized human being never mind a freaking magical princess. I am panicking on the inside I don't know what to do. Alicia must understand because she places her hand on my arm and squeezes it gently, bringing me back to life.

"What do you mean a half-breed princess?" I ask taking hold of Alicia's hand and squeezing gently. There is no way in hell I'm going to let her go.

"Your father, King Matthew, is the ruler of the Fey-Side and you are his half-breed daughter. You are a shape shifter-elemental half-breed. So you can shape shift into whatever animal you want and control the elements. But not at the same time, because your mortal half forbids it."

He strolls over to me and grabs my free hand in both of his. His touch is gentle, just like my best friend. This is when his true self, the guy I became best friends with, shines through. His eyes soften and I find myself

getting lost in them, but I clutch my girlfriend's hand and it tethers me to the present. James starts to lean in and his gaze drops to my lips. Alicia goes rigid and I pull away slightly but he pulls me close. James leans to my ear and whispers.

"Choose me, I can make you happier than she can," he kisses my neck. I look over to Alicia with pleading eyes and she steps closer.

"James," I whisper, "what happens if I don't choose you or the Fey-Side?" He straightens just so I can look into his eyes.

"Your life turns to absolute hell and we have to take you the hard way," his grip tightens on me. His lips kiss my jaw and I'm trying to shove away but his grip is just too tight.

Alicia comes up behind James and threads her arm around his throat. "If your lips don't get off of my girlfriend, Imma make your life a living hell."

He smashes his head into her nose and she stumbles back. Her eyes narrow into dangerous slits. My anger is boiling as he has the audacity to kiss my neck again.

The anger in my veins starts crackling. Alicia tears James off of me and kicks him square in the nose.

She's a black belt in mixed martial arts and a cheerleader. That does not mix well. James shoves Alicia against my far wall with a gust of wind and pins her there. Smirking, he turns back to me, but I'm seeing red. He grabs my waist and pulls me close to him once more; however, I scratch his check before he can stop me.

"I kinda deserved that," he mutters.

"Kinda?" I shove him hard and he stumbles backwards. "You definitely deserved it and more."

I kick his knee and watch as he falls. I step closer but he's on his feet already, grabbing for my wrist. But he forgot his hold on Alicia and she's on his back, choking him out. He slams into the wall a few times and then my girlfriend is slumped on the ground unconscious. My heart stutters and it's all he needs to grab me from behind.

The Unseen (Book one of the Ro, James, and Alicia trilogy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora