Chapter 11

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I've been wondering the woods for hours, after I finally shook myself of my thoughts. As I walked I took the feary's world, which helped clear my head. Dark brown trunks with vibrant green leaves littered the forest in thick clusters. The light blue sky was now being tinted with purple streaks. Brown and withered leaves littered the otherwise clear forest floor. Small splashes sounded all around me and I realized that I was crying. Birds and the gentle patter of small animals' feet scurrying through the forest drowned out my sobs to my own ears. 

I vigorously swiped my eyes, not wanting to show weakness because the last thing i needed was one of the Unseen to approach me. The forest's movement was a harsh melody of crescendos and decrescendos, filling my ears with its sounds. I hugged my knees to my chest, burying my head in against them. Tears were muffled and i felt safer.

God, why is life so unfair! I thought through my tears. It's as tho everyone I love is being torn away from me. My father can't run away from my life just to come back whenever he pleases to tell me who I can or can't love. No matter what I'll find a way to be with him. Fuck the fey and their rules. Shakily I stood, tears slowing to a slow trickle. Fuck my father! If I have to give away my spot as a fucking fey princess I gladly give it up for him.

Crashing footsteps startled me, causing me to jump ten feet in the air. "RO!! COME HOME PLEASE!!! COME HOME TO ME!!!" A haggard voice called.

My heart leapt into my throat as I saw his lean form through the trees. He stopped and looked around, probably hoping to find me. I shifted, hoping he might see me, and swiped my eyes. At the sight of movement he swept his eyes to my form. I could see his stiff shoulders slump slightly. We didn't move. I felt torn; my body wanted to run to him and let him envelope me in his embrace but my mind wanted me to run away and flee this magical world where I don't belong. 

James took a step forward and I couldn't resist anymore. I ran to him, fresh tears flowing down my placid cheeks as I took in his red eyes and pain filled eyes. But his eyes filled with a new light as I got closer and silver lined his eyes. He outstretched his arms and I ran into them, feeling his hard muscle beneath my fingers. He wrapped his arms around me as I buried my face against his chest and he buried his face in my hair. 

His arms tightened around me and I looked up into his blue eyes. Wait, James has green eyes. 

A girl with crazy red hair, blue eyes and slender form. Glamour had tricked my eyes, made me believe I was going home. I struggled against her grasp but she was impressively strong. 

"Welcome home, Ro," Alicia said.

The Unseen (Book one of the Ro, James, and Alicia trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now