Chapter 10

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"What the hell?" I asked softly. "How did I die if I'm still here?"

James stayed silent, his silver glinting like the tears in his eyes. A single tear slid down his cheek and i gently wiped it away with my thumb. He turned to my palm and kissed it. I smiled smally as he laced our fingers together.James closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath before he decided to speak. 

"You died," he started, gazing into my eyes. "Your heart stopped, your chest stopped moving and your body just lay still in my grasp. It was just terrifying just to watch you scream and flail but to watch the light fade from your golden eyes..." he trailed off and took a deep breath before continuing. "It killed me as I watched you go from fighting to motionless in my grasp. My heart shattered as your whole body stopped. 

"I would have never thought I'd ever watch you die.Never in a million years would i have guessed you would die in my hands," he had to stop and in that moment, i saw the boy who I had fell in live with; the boy who was 17 and not any older. "All i could do was hold you, cry and promise to see you soon. But here you are, alive once more. These few days were brutal on me, but look, you're rocking my world once more. My little wolf came back to me and your moon is still here by your side, shining down on you. There is no way in hell I'm letting you go again."

Tears flowed freely down our faces, whether from happiness, relief or sadness I do not know but they were there. Then, he pulled me against him and kissed me with such fire...such love it felt like a living thing. Our kiss warmed me all the way through, igniting a fire deep in my core. 

We pulled away and i told him what i saw while I was...dead. Then i asked, "W-why did i come back?"

He smiled a real ear to ear grin as he spoke. "You chose the right side. You chose the side where your loyalties and heart belong."

I shook my head. "I didn't choose a side, I chose the love of my life."

His lips met mine in a burning kiss. We sat there, our hands tangled together, our lips pressed against each other's and our tongues dancing together, content never to move. The pre-dawn light started seeping through the closed curtains and only then did we pull back. James's eyes were intense and set the butterflies loose inside my stomach. He told me to get some rest so i can train, but i shook my head. After all that just happened, there was no way I was gonna go to sleep. No way in the firey pits of hell.

"You need to, you can get sick from sleep deprivation," James cooed at me.

"I'm terrified to shut my eyes for more than a second," I said a little timidly. "Besides i think i slept enough." That earned a small chuckle from him. 

"Fine," he resigned with a smile.

Quickly, I pecked his cheek and hopped over to the dresser. Of course all my shirts were in the wash. I pulled out one of his soft blue cotton tee's. It'll do for now, I thought, grabbing my skinny jeans and a towel. I headed off to the bathroom, feeling James close on my heels. When i was in the doorway, I turned around. Of course he was standing in front of me, smirking, in that James way that made me wanna run away from him but also to him. He has my heart and common sense at war. Ugh, why oh why did he have to choose me?

"May I help you?" I asked sweetly, leaning against the doorframe. 

"Aren't we taken a shower?" he inquired, gesturing to the blocked bathroom behind me with his towel, white tee and jeans. 

I shook my head, an amused smile danced on my lips as I spoke. "We? I am taking a shower, not you." 

"I gotta keep an eye on you," he brushed past me into the bathroom. "You have a habit of becoming injured when I'm either not around or not looking."

The Unseen (Book one of the Ro, James, and Alicia trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now