Chapter 13

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James was leaning over me, Alicia in the background. I shook the fog out of my head and looked back and forth between them. Who do I believe? Which do I want to believe? How do I know which is lying and who's telling the truth? Their body language will have to serve as my evidence. 

"W-was that true?" I asked in a small voice. 

"Yes it was baby girl," Alicia said softly.

"No it was one possible future," James said looking me straight in the eye. "She's a seer. She sees multiple scenes but not every single one will come true. The future is always changing and it's not true."

I gazed at them, observing them. Alicia had a defiant, closed off smirk on her face. She stood arms crossed her red hair unbound and billowing behind her like a flag soaked in blood. I looked at James. His face was open and honest. He held me to him, not tightly because he knew if I chose her this time he wouldn't be able to change my mind. He was honest and he was hoping that I'd chose him so he wouldn't have to let me go....but he would let me go if it came to that.

Gazing at them, I closed off my heart and listened to my brain. Every analysis made, I peered closer at them. Every evidence I found I preserved. Finally, I let my heart open allowing it to help my brain in its jumble of analysis. I let their words sink in, every unspoken and spoken word clearing away the confusing fog. 

Suddenly, I understood my choice. My heart and brain had come to a decision on its own. This time around, I wouldn't chose wrong, I'd let my logic fill my mouth and speak my answer. It wasn't that hard in the end. 

I sucked in a big breath for my choice was clear. Looking each one in the eye and spoke softly.

"I'm afraid I'll have to choose....."

The Unseen (Book one of the Ro, James, and Alicia trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now