Chapter Two- Posture, Posture Posture!

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"Ouch!" I said as the Peacekeeper drew my blood. I stood and took my place in the 18's sector. This was my last year. I was excited. "WELCOME!" Boomed Zoee, 7's district escort. The microphone rang in everybody's ears as a sound technician ran over to fix it.

Zoee was a tall woman, with zebra colored hair and unnaturally yellow cheeks. She had on bright yellow lipstick and eyeliner, so it made her look shiny, like a mirror even, in the sunlight. Her dress didn't help much either. It was a yellow with little mirror-clouds on it. Ew.

When the microphone finally got fixed, Zoee walked over to the ladies' reaping ball. She gingerly picked one out and held it under the microphone. "And our female tribute from  District 7 is................ EMERSON SKYE!"

I did not hear any sighs of relief. I didn't hear gawking from my family. I didn't hear Emma crying. All I heard was my mother in my head.

"Posture, posture posture! Walk straight, one foot in front of the other!" I didn't hear the male tribute. The stone steps were cold on my bare feet. "Stand up straight!" I straightened. All I was aware of was moving forward. Not the sun. Not the boy next to me. Not Zoee announcing. Not anything, except eminent death. The only time I came out of my daze was when the other tribute and I were told to shake hands. That is when I realised how bad my situation was.

When I realised I HAD to die.

It was my duty as his sister.

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