Chapter Six- The Ride

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As I stepped into the chariot, the music escalated and almost immediately it lurched forward. I almost fell off but Ethan grabbed my arm to steady it. I gave him a quick smile before we left the waiting area.

I make sure to do something every five seconds. Smile, wave, smile, wave, kiss on the cheek, smile, wave. From my experience, movement always catches attention.The crowd seems to follow this rule, as we get lots of attention and I'm-gonna-kill-you looks from our competitors.

Once people realise the joke, there is lots of laughter from the crowd.

A few sensible citizens actually get the message under the pun, I can see it on their faces.

I am really happy for the leaves in my wake, it reminds the crowd of us. Also, the tributes behind us have to swat them out of their faces. It is very amusing.

After we finally arrive in the circle, I finally get a gook look at the other tributes.

The pair from 1 is very muscular, as usual. So is the pair from two. The couple from 3 are pretty weak, but their costumes are cool, so they could get sponsors.

The boy from 4 is very young, maybe 12. The girl is around 13. I doubt the careers will let them in. The pair from five is around average, nondescript. I think the boy has a leg injury.

The tributes from 6, however, are another story.
The boy is very muscular, and very tall. I'm hoping he's a gentle giant.
The girl is around sixteen, and loosely holding his hand. Uh oh. Another protect-you-till-my-last-breath pact?

Crud. If Ethan is to get out of there alive, someone is going to have to break up six. And it's not gonna be me. Then President Snow's speech is done and we all lurch into the training centre.

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