Chapter Twenty- The Victor

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I really didn't need any major surgeries, I only had a minor cut on my arm, which they quickly wrapped up. The thing I was nervous about was The Crowning. I didn't want to see my tape.

It holds too many memories.

But there I am, on stage. Snow walks up to me, holding the Crown. I whisper so only he can hear, "Everything has a weakness, even The Capitol. The Capitol will fall."  He whispers back to me.

"Oh my dear Mrs. Skye, only the ones we love the most can destroy us."

Bam. Right in the place where it hurts most. I hate him for it. He steps away and announces, "Emerson Skye, victor of the 34th annual HUNGER GAMES!"

They make me sit on a velvet couch and watch the tape of my games.
I see my Reaping, and the others in the Alliance. My interview. My training score. The bloodbath. Me running off with the alliance. Winnifred gets the parachute. Us sleeping together, in the night. Poor Haymitch.
She was a good kid. Then the rain. The horrible, nasty rain. Getting the axe. When Drew killed Xavier. Then Kimble attacks me.
Turns out she actually jumped out of a tree onto me. Ouch. Noel runs in and stabs her in the back. They accept her into the alliance.
Now, I'm shaking with dread. Drew 'goes hunting' and tells us to look for him. Then the cannon in the night. Noel, blankly looking at the stars. Looking for Drew. The spear. Ethan's death. I wipe away my tears.
I can't cry on television.
Me and Winnifred run off, and Drew gets killed by the Careers. Then, Winnifred dies. I kneel over her long after the cannon fires. A montage of the week before the plan. Me telling Johanna what I want. Pressing the button. The gory, deadly fight. Me getting lifted from the arena. My crowning. The end.

I am a victor.

But not really.

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