Chapter Nine- Lace and Torture

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An eight was ok, but I could've done better.

This was my thought all last night. In my dreams, in my waking moments. I could've done better. I needed to prove myself, show them I had what it took to win the games. But also tell them I wouldn't.

In the morning, I woke to Zoee standing over me with her biggest, whitest smile plastered on her face. "AAAAAAAH!" I screamed, and then rolled off the bed.

Hello floor, nice to meet you. My name is Emerson.

"What was that about?" I complained. "It's going to be a big, BIG DAY!" She practically screeched in my ear. "Ugh. Go away. I'm taking a shower." I groaned. She did. I guess Zoee doesn't like naked people.

After I had showered, dressed, and washed, I went out to breakfast. "Hi." Said Ethan and I in unison. Somehow, we had managed to walk out of our rooms at the exact same time. "Ok, that was weird." I said while he burst out laughing.

Breakfast was amazing. I almost regret taking so long in the shower, I want to stuff my face full of everything.
After we ate, Zoee told us our schedule: "Emerson- 9-1, with Joanna, 1-5, with me. Same thing for Ethan but reversed activities." I sighed. Three whole hours with Zoee.


One thing I don't understand is why Joanna gets two more hours than Zoee. Maybe Zoee isn't very good at math.

The next three hours were torture. Well, lace and torture.
To be specific, Zoee made me wear a very heavy red ballgown, and white lace high heels. I spent the next hour or so walking/wobbling around the room.
When I finally got it perfect, we moved on to the sitting position. "Back straight, chin up, ankles crossed." Zoee chirped. She taught be how to batt my eyelashes, flick my hair, and most importantly, twirl. "Oh, you must know how to twirl correctly, blah blah, blah blah blah-" she babbled on.

Now I understand why Joanna gets two more hours. Because if they got the same amount, I'd be dead before the games even begin.

Finally, the torture is over. I take off the dress and the heels with a huge smile plastered onto me. "What are you so happy about?" Joanna whispers. "You." I whisper back. He seems to understand, because she snorts, which starts a laughing fit. I give Ethan a small wave as he walks into certain death.

The last five hours of the day were spent blissfully. I zoomed through the questions, only faltering once or twice. That night, I slept like a baby. As for the 'I could've done better.' Thought, I would just make it up in my interview. 

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