Chapter Ten- Stage

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It was almost my turn to go on. I was nervous. I needed sponsors. Even though Drew and Winifred had taken it upon themselves to get sponsors, our alliance was pretty big. And we have 6 to worry about, too. I tapped my foot on the floor.

My stylist had made me what looked like a summer dress, it was a dark green strapless dress with leaves winding up the skirt.
Darian had opted for little makeup, just a green blush and eyeliner, but not enough to make me look seasick.
My hair was in a bun, and a daisy peeked out from behind my ear. The dress ended just below my knees, and I was barefoot.
Ethan was in an identical outfit, but a tux instead of a dress and so on.

I watched Ethan on the stage in front of me. He was doing good, oblivious to the plan. In fact, it seemed like he had a plan of his own.

I gasped lightly. YOU DUMMY!! I yelled inside my head, WHY DID YOU THINK THAT HE WOULDN'T MAKE A PLAN!!!!! I should've known.
Suddenly, his time was up.

As he tuned back to face me when he walked up the stairs, I gave him a mini scowl. 'Sorry' he mouthed.

"Emerson Skye, District Seven!" Boomed Caesar. I walked down the steps, making sure to walk the way Zoee told me to. I waved. I smiled. Then I took my seat.

This year, Caesar's hair was blood red. It was creepy. I pretended not to notice.

"So, Miss Skye, what do you plan to do in the arena?" He asked, flashing his bleached white teeth. "Well, Caesar, I have made an alliance."
I replied, crossing my ankles, like Zoee told me too. "Ooh! With who?" He cooed.

"Well," I paused for effect, "It's a secret!"

The crowd murmured. "Oh, do tell us!" He chirped. "Why, I can't! It's a secret!" I tweeted.  "If you can't tell us that, can you tell us if you have any family back home in 7?" He asked.

"Yes," I said, frowning slightly, "I have three sisters back home. My big sister Harper, my little sister Delilah, and my little tiny cutie pie sister Emma. And Ethan, my twin, who came here with me."

The audience made an "Awwwww" sound when I talked about Delilah and Emma.  "Well then," said Caesar, crossing his legs, "What are you going to do about your er... predicament?" He gestured back and forth from me and Ethan.

I put on a brave face. "I will protect him until my last breath." I said solemnly.

The buzzer sounded.  "Let's give it up for MISS EMERSON SKYE OF DISTRICT 7!" I would give it up. I would give up my life.

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