Chapter Thirteen- The Star-Crossed Tributes From District Four

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I was awoken by the noise of very angry screaming. Kimble. I start laughing. Then it turns into a fit. Then I almost fall out of the tree. Luckily, Ethan catches me.
"Oh no, is there some kind of laughing poison somewhere?!" He says, worried. "No," I say, but am interrupted by another round of giggles, "Kimble just found out." Then Drew starts laughing, too, and then Ethan gets really worried. Eventually, we stop. Then I start hiccuping. That always happens when I laugh to long. It is very annoying. "We need to make a permanent shelter. And you need to get an axe." Says Ethan.

Before I knew it, we were hiding in a pine tree, staking out the perfect time to dart in and get an axe. I shimmied down the tree, dropping to the ground five feet below me. I got into a running position.

3... 2.. 1.. I sprint towards the Cornucopia, skid to the ground, grab an axe, (and a bow and arrows, for good measure) and sprint back to the cover of the forest. I breathe a sigh of relief. No one spotted me. When I meet the alliance under the stake-out tree, I see Winnifred is holding an empty parachute. "Where's the contents?" I ask. Then I hear Drew glugging down water. Until now, I hadn't realized how thirsty I was.

"Trade." I tell Drew. Bow and arrows for water. He hands me the water and I drink about half my share. I save the other half. We climb a tree to go rest. Drew and Ethan start talking about boy stuff. Suddenly, I hear voices. "Shh." I whisper. They don't listen. "Shut up!" I whisper-yell, and point at the foliage in front of us.

They shut up.

We hide in the branches, not making a sound. The pair from 4 shuffle below the tree. The girl has a pony tail and a backpack. The boy has one too. A backpack, I mean. The girl is crying.
"Shh. It's ok. We will make it out alive." Coos the boy. Xavier, I think his name is. "No," sobs the girl, Noel, I think, "only one of us lives." They continue talking. Drew silently picks up the bow and aims it at Xavier's neck. I don't realise until it's too late. He lets it fly and it hits it's target.

"Crap." I whisper.

I give Drew one of those Why'd-you-kill-him looks. The girl shrieks and looks our way but doesn't see us. She kneels on the ground next to him. "No." She whispers. "No."

"You have to win. For us. Now go." Says Xavier.

I'm impressed. He must have very high pain tolerance. The cannon sounds and Noel runs away, sobbing. I feel bad for her.

After yelling at Drew forever, we finally went to sleep. Only one death today. The Gamemakers will get bored. Then more people die.

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