Tell Me Now...Who You Gonna Call?

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5 minutes until I have to walk down that aisle. Everything's ready but deep down, I feel that something's wrong. Sophie, my cousin, comes out from the church and gives me a hug.

"Alright, honeybee?"

She asks, exitedly. I nod and suddenly my best friend, Chloe comes running up with her boyfriend Louis. Louis Tomlinson from One Direction. He's also my cousin. Not a big fan of the band but I'm so proud of him.

"Congratulations, Nat. Knock 'em dead!"

He says, hugging me. He pulls Chloe in for a kiss which lasts more than it should do and then disappears into the church. I hug Chloe and take a final look at my bridesmaids.

"You both look gorgeous."

I say. They smile and take their places behind me. Suddenly, the doors open and music starts playing. I take a deep breath and start to elegantly stroll down. As I do, I look down at my dress. He wanted me to wear this. He forced me to wear it. It's got a ballroom skirt with diamantés scattered everywhere, don't have a problem with that. It's the top part that I'm cautious about. It's a corset that's pulled tight, and let's say I'm showing way more cleavage than normal. I feel like a slut. I get to the front of the aisle and smile at my fiancé. He doesn't return it. The priest says his words and soon enough I'm saying,

"I do."

The priest nods and announces,

"Corey Renner, you may now kiss the bride."

Corey crashes his lips on mine and I can't stop it. There are rounds of applause but my gut tells me that I've just made a big mistake.


(The party)

The party's going well. Everyone's talking and having fun. Except me. Corey hasn't come to find me yet so I decide I'd go find him. I get up from my chair and walk round, asking everyone. They all say outside. And when I go outside,


Corey's stood smoking. He doesn't smoke, I hate smoking. I go and but the cigarette out of his hand. His eyes glare and his hand flies out and smacks me across the cheek. I scream and fall against the wall. He covers my mouth and holds me there.

"Don't you dare do that to me. EVER! Again!"

He hisses in my face. I'm so shocked.

"Corey, what's happened to you?! Your ruining my day! Carry on, I'll leave you..."

I threaten. Corey laughs.

"No. You'll do as I say."

He says, evilly. Suddenly, Chloe comes out onto the balcony. Corey releases me and puts an arm round my waist.

"Everything okay here?"

She asks. Corey says,

"Fine. Were having some fun!"

Chloe looks at me.


She asks. I hesitate.

"Good. Fine."

I say. Chloe goes and Corey grabs me by the shoulders.

"Listen up. Your my wife. You do what I tell you to do. Show some respect. I married you cause you were the best I could get. I want you putting to some good use. Now go, get lost."

He hisses. I gasp and run back into the hotel. Grabbing my bag, I run for the elevator with everyone's eyes following me. I burst into tears when the doors close. My life is fucked. I avoid the strange looks I get and run for the tube station. I get my ticket and wait for a tube. There are people dotted about, nowhere near as busy on a Monday morning. The tube comes and I get on, bagging myself a seat from everybody else. I put my bag on the seat next to me and I cry into my hands. I'm not getting off for another 20 minutes. A couple of stops go by.


"Hey, are you okay?"

I look up and these big green eyes find my blue ones. He's blonde, obviously dyed because of the chocolate brown roots you can see. He's not bad looking and good sense of style. Leather. Which I love.

"Does it look like I'm okay to you?"

I snap. He tilts his head to the the side and says,

"Exactly my point. A beautiful young bride like yourself sat on a tube crying at 10 in the night...I don't think so. My names Ryan."

I move my bag so he can sit down and say,


I start crying again and Ryan puts his arm round me.

"Hey, hey, hey...don't do that. Can you tell me why your upset?"

He asks. I nod and explain about Corey.

"I've just married to a guy who I though was my star. But after the wedding, he hit me because I caught him smoking. He was lying! He's not the person he's said he was. He said that I have to do everything he says. Anyway, you don't care, your just talking to me cause you feel sorry for me!"

Ryan shakes his head.

"No, I'm not."

I look at him. He gets off with me at my stop and he walks me home. I let Ryan in and he hangs my bag on the peg.

"You can't stay. Corey will be home soon and I'm guessing that he'll think I'm cheating."

I say, shutting all the curtains. Ryan stays still.

"No, maybe I should stay and teach that child a lesson."

He says, his voice deep. I run to him and beg,

"NO! Please! Don't, he'll kill me!"

Ryan sighs but nods. I breathe out in relief. After a few minutes I start panicking.

"Ryan, your making me so nervous! For your own safety, please just go!"

I say. Ryan nods and we swap numbers. I close the door after him and slump down, crying. A life that I thought would be filled with love, respect, honesty and happiness...turned out to be a life filled with hell, abuse and no freedom. God help me. Suddenly, I hear footsteps. I quickly get up and brush myself off. The door opens and Corey comes in, still in his wedding suit.

"There's my sexy little thing! Come give the big daddy some sugar!"

He yells, drunkenly. I go over and kiss him lightly. What was supposed to be a light kiss, he turns into a groping match. He's groping at me and then he stops.

"Bedroom...1 minute."

I wait until he's gone upstairs and scream into my hands. I don't want this! I pick up the phone and diall.

"Ryan! I can't do this! He wants me to asleep with him but I don't want that anymore! He's hammered!"

"Hey, calm down. Right, there's nothing you can do. The least you can do is make sure you use a condom and pretend to enjoy it. I'm so sorry, Natalie."

"Okay...and Ryan? Call me Nat."

"Okay then, Nat. Just do it like it's a bandade. Quick and over with."

"Right. Okay."

"Bye, Nat. Hope your safe."

I end the call and hide the phone. I begin to walk up the stairs to the night of hell I'll have to face.


Hey guys! This fanfic is based on an idea that I've had for a very long time. I've finally brought it up, just to let you know though, I will not be continuing this fanfic if I don't get any votes or comments. I'll continue f I get two of three of each. Bye guys! Please tell people about my stories and vote and comment! Xxxxxxlove ya all!xxxxxxxX

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