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(Natalie's P.O.V)

I stop for minute, collapsing into a wall, crying my eyes out. I don't stop until I hear a frantic beeping noise. I turn around and see a car slowing down next to me.


I run into Joel's arms as he whispers in my ear, sweet things.

"Nat, don't you dare do that again!"

Adam cries.

"You scared the hell out of us!"

Andy puts in.

"I don't care anymore, I'm worthless!"

I cry into Joel's shoulder.


Adam says.

"Your not worthless. It's Ryan's fault."

Joel adds. I sniffle and cry all the way back home, getting comforted by the boys. I'm carried into the house and up the stairs into my room.

"Let me go find Ryan."

Andy sighs. Joel lays me on the bed and switches my cosy lights on, creating a warm, relaxing glow to light up the room. He and Adam sit either side of me, cleaning me up. They wipe all my make up off that smudged and run their fingers through my hair cutely.

"You guys still up for that sleepover?"

I ask, sniffling and gesturing to the TV and sleeping bags. Joel kisses my forehead and Adam says,

"Course we are. We're not leaving you in this state."

I sniff and Andy comes in.

"Ryan's fucked off."

He groans. I tell myself not to care.

(Ryan's P.O.V)

"That was amazing...your so much better than my girlfriend..."

I say inbetween breaths. Clarisse is out of breath, laying next to me on the seat. Her chest is rapidly moving up and down.

"You have no idea how happy I am."

She says. I smile and kiss her.

"Oh...but I do."

I whisper. We kiss for a few minutes until we decide to get dressed. Were both warm and need some fresh air so we go sit on the hood together, looking up at the stars. Our fingers are laced together.

"So, what will you do when you get home?"

She asks, concerned.

"I don't know. My girl told me she hated me before running off. When the other boys went to look out for her, I came to the pub. But if none of that had happened, I wouldn't of experienced this."

I say, kissing her at the end. She swats me away flirtatiously.

"I'm single so I don't need to lie to anybody."

She explains. I smirk and comment,

"I don't understand how a girl like you can be single. I mean, with a body like"

She blushes.

"No, I don't really go chasing. They just come along and if I feel like it, I give myself to them. I do it mainly because I'd rather be having sex than crying over someone who broke my heart."

She says. Her voice tone changes. Poor lass.


(Half an hour later)

I park in front of the house. I got her number, it's in my pocket. She'd said she'd planted something else on me but I haven't found anything yet. I sigh and walk in, bracing myself. I hear soft talking from upstairs so I make my way up. I peep in Nat's room and see the three boys in a sleeping bag each and Nat laying in bed, sniffing.

"Ryan, go away."

Joel says. My eyes widen.

"No, I want to talk to my girlfriend."

I retaliate. Nat gets up and walks over to me.


She asks. I nod her over to my room. We close the door after us and I start with,

"I'm sorry, I was out of order, I know. But I don't want you to hate me, I need you."

Nat stops herself from crying and just shrugs.

"I'll forgive you. But I need to know that you understand how hard it is for me."

She says.

"I understand. I really do. I can't lose you."

I reply. She sighs and I hold my arms out for a hug. She smiles weakly and falls into them. We kiss and my hands go round her bum whilst hers go round my waist. Suddenly...

"Ryan, what are these?"

Nat pulls away and in her hands, is a red lace thong with small diamond on them. Holy that's what Clarisse left me. Great.

"Erm...a girl in the club left me them."

I say, stupidly thinking she was gonna fall for it. Her eyes are filling up.

"Do you think I'm thick?! How could you?! I ran off whilst you went out and fucked a slut?!"

She whispers, exhilarated. I don't move.


She screams, crying. I hear the door knock. It opens and Joel runs inbetween us.

"Whoah, what the hell?"

He asks. Nat throws the thong at me, it hitting my chest but landing on the floor. Joel, Andy and Adam look at it for a couple of seconds before looking at me.

"Get out. I don't care if your my best friend, bandmember or housemate, your not staying here tonight. Take this with you. I'm ashamed."

Andy says. I pick the thong up as I have no choice, and walk out. I know what I need again...I ring Clarisse.

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