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(Natalie's P.O.V) (a week later)

Everything's boxed up and being loaded into the cars and a van. I feel so bad. Joel, Andy and Adam hug me and go sit in the cars, ready to go. I look into the living room and see Ryan sat against the wall, head in his hands. I sigh and make my way towards him.


I start. He looks up.

"I know you'll miss this place deeply, I will too. I'll miss it cause we got to know each other here. Remember that night? After my wedding day, you brought me here and we got drunk?"

I ask. Ryan smiles weakly.

"How could I forget?"

He says in a hushed tone. I sit next to him and put my arm round him.

"I have no clue...but deep down, somethings telling me that were making a mistake. A BIG mistake."

He says. He looks at me. I see his eyes filled with fear. I kiss his cheek.

"Your just anxious. I offered to go make my own way, so that you guys wouldn't be forced to do this."

I say. That offers still open.

"No, your never leaving my sight. I'm sorry, it's just this place has a hell of a lot of memories. At least it can't get sold on. We can visit whenever we want...come on, sweetie."

He sighs, standing up and offering his hand. I take it and we grab the last of our stuff. We lock the door and get into the car. Andy's driving us. Were now living on a new estate in the middle of London, it looks nice and we've got a large house. Ryan grips my hand tightly. We decided to move early in the morning so that Corey wouldn't track us easily. We haven't told a soul that were moving. Not even Sophie. Anya doesn't need to know. Andy seems to have moved on anyway, he's his old jolly self. I'm quite proud of him in a way. But this car journey, noeone's talking. Everyone's just looking out the window.

"This is all my fault."

I announce.

All at once,


The boys shout.

"It is though! Stop lying to my face about it! If I hadn't of gotten on that tube, none of this would have ever happened!"

I cry. I sob into my hands and Ryan reaches out to me.

"I chose to talk to you. I chose to take you in. In a way, it's my fault. But as long as I have you, I'm okay. I'm happy. I was the one on that tube who saw a depressed girl on her wedding day, obviously not happy. And I'll never regret that."

He whispers in my ear. I wipe my eyes and look. Out the window for the rest of the journey. When we get there, all 4 boys gasp and run out to admire the new house. Except me.


I hear. Ryan's head appears through the car door.

"You either stay in here all night, sulking and making accusations. Or you can come join us happily unpacking."

He says, calmly.

"The cars good enough for me."

I say. Ryan slams the car door and I see him walking into the house. I just wanna be on my own for a bit.

(2 hours later)

I've seen Adam, Joel and Andy come to the front door of the house but something always pulls them back from coming to talk to me. I've been crying in this damn car for 2 whole hours. It's lunchtime and I'm starving. None of the boys will bring me any food.


My body turns itself to the window. It's Joel. I unlock the car door and open it for him. He gets in and closes it.

"Come on, Nat. I miss you. It's not the same."

I ignore him as my eyes observe the bag he has in his hands.

"What's in the bag?"

I ask. Joel smirks.

"Good to know your still you."

He says. He opens it and gets out 2 bags of crisps, 2 bottles of Fanta, a huge chocolate bar and brownies.

"Not very healthy like, but oh well."

He laughs. I hug him and we eat together. Joel listens to what I have to say carefully.

"Well, at the end of the day, your safe. That all that matters to us. Ryan loses it sometimes, babe, I'm sure you'll find that out. But you can trust us with anything."

He says, hugging me. I smile into his shoulder and we finish eating.

"Are you gonna come see the new house?"

He asks. I hesitate. Should I? I eventually nod. Joel gets the bag and let's me out the car. I look at the house and me and Joel smile together. He guides me in and I say,

"Hey, can you just give me a tour? Just us two? I'm just a bit crowded right now, if you know what I mean..."

Joel nods and in 10 minutes, he's showed the whole house, except the living room cause the other lads are in there and the bedrooms.

"Your lucky. We was just about to pick the bedrooms. Take your pick, babe."

Joel laughs as he opens the door to one. I look around observantly. After he's shown me all of them, there's footsteps on the stairs. 3 sets.

"Oh hello. Since when did you decide to make an appearence?"

Ryan asks, sarcastically. Andy tuts and pats his arm.

"Ryan, stop it."

He says. Ryan shakes him off.

"I'll be in my room. I've already chosen it."

He says, walking into a room. There's silence after the door shuts.

"I'm not gonna cry."

I say simply, willing myself to not cry. I choose my favourite room, the room inbetween Joel and Ryan's. Joel comes up with my stuff. When I had a fit and started vandalising my room, a lot of stuff got broken so I have less stuff now.

"New house, we can get you new stuff."

He says, winking at me. I blow a kiss to him in thanks and start unpacking. All my clothes get hung up in my fancy walk in wardrobe, which I'm buzzing about. I put all my electrical wife's and gadgets in a hidden away draw next to the wardrobe. The beds have to be brought in yet so I wait for mine to get placed. After it's done, I replace all the clean sheets and put all my cushions and teddies on it. On either side of my bed, I have a table so I put my lamps on them and put all my underwear and lady stuff in the draws. I then get to my folder. At the old house, I printed off loads of pictures of me and the boys. I wanted to do something with them but I had nothing. I look at the patch of wall above my desk. I fumble around for blutac in my bag and I get sticking. About half an hour later, I have already started a wall of memories. I get some fairy lights out from my box and surround the pictures with them. I clap my hands and spin round. My room looks so cosy as it's dark outside now. There's a knock on the door.

"Come in."

I call. It opens and Adams there.

"Oh, Ad's! Look at it!"

I squeal. He laughs,

"Looks cosy, looks so Nat."

I giggle and hug him tightly.

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