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(Natalie's P.O.V)

I fiddle with the tassels on my shorts. I'm sitting on the sofa watching TV. To tell the truth, I'm a bit jumpy. Corey almost saw me last night. I'm still so scared. It's just come and hit me right where it hurts again. I'm scared and I'm really jumpy. Joel comes in whistling.

"Morning, sweetheart."

He greets, patting my shoulder. Mistake. I jump violently and he steps back. He waves a hand down at me and asks,

"Jeez, what's gotten into you?"

Before leaving for the kitchen.

"I'm scared, Joel. Scared as hell."

I say loudly. Joel comes back in and sits on the arm of a chair.

"Why, babe? What's happened?"

He asks. I rub my knees. They're shaking.

"Corey almost caught me and Ryan last night."

I say. Joel's face freezes.


He shouts. He advances and sits next to me.

"Me and Ryan were at Mahiki last night and we were dancing. Corey was looking everywhere round the club. We managed to get away but the question I'm dying to know the answer to the fuck did he know where to look?! Joel, I'm really scared, I just want to live here in peace!"

I cry, tears leaking from my eyes. Joel hugs me for a few minutes but then bolts up. I watch him as he wanders over to the living room curtains. He peeks out of them and stays there for some time.

"Nat, there's few ways he could have known. He might have followed you. But that still means he knows where you are."

Joel says. I cry into my hands, my shoulders shaking violently.

"What am I gonna do, Joel?!"

I cry. Adam then chooses this exact moment to come in.

"Whoah, whoah, who died?"

He asks, confused. I cry louder and Joel goes,

"Nice, mate. Great."

Adam sits on my other side whilst Joel tells him.

"Awh, sweetheart, come on. Your safe as long as your with us. He won't touch you, we swear."

He comforts, hugging me. I shake my head, tears bouncing off my face.


I look up to see Ryan at the doorway. I let out a sigh of exasperation and run into his open arms. They close around me tightly.

"Ryan, he's gonna find and kill me, I know it! Why me?! Me?!"

I scream into his chest. Ryan kisses my head and says,

"No. He won't. I'm here so he won't get anywhere near you! Now you need to clear your head, get some fresh air. Were going out."

I shake my head vigourously.

"NO! I'm not going when I know he's out there spying on me!"

I protest, trying to get out of his grasp. He holds on tighter.

"Were going out."

He says again. I repeat my reaction, putting all my weight into it.


I scream. Joel and Adam jump up.

"Mate, what the fuck are you trying to do? Scare her to death?! She doesn't wanna go!"

Adam argues. I finally get away from it and sprint out into the garden. I breathe but then go rigid with fear.

(Ryan's P.O.V)

"She's scared stiff, Ryan! Why are you forcing her to run into trouble?! You want to keep her safe and your forcing her into harms way!"

Joel exclaims, throwing his arms in the air. Andy comes in and says,

"Morning, guys. Where's Nat?"



My blood turns cold. I push everyone out the way and I run into the garden. Nat's stood there in the very middle, staring at the fence at the end. I panic. Then I know what she's scared about. In the shadows under the tree, Corey's stood there. Nat won't move, no matter how many times I shout at her.

"So! This is who you ran to?"

Corey says.

"Fuck off."

I shout. Corey laughs,

"Oh, tut tut. No, we can't have that language spoken. Let's sort this out like men."

I scowl and say,

"Yeah, if you mean me kicking your teeth out."

Corey comes out from under the tree and I can see him clearly.

"Nat, come home. I promise nothing bad will happen again. We'll have lots of fun."

He says. He starts walking towards Nat but I get her first. I get her behind me and Joel and Adam huddle beside her. Andy stands next to me.

"I'll get you for taking my wife away from me. She was completely happy."

Corey spits. I laugh,

"Then you, my friend, need glasses."

Corey suddenly makes a quick movement. In his hand is a knife, glinting silver in the light. I dot take my eye off him.

"You better watch your back. Because when you least expect it, you could have a knife lodged in your back. And I will have her back. So you 4...better watch where you go from now on."

He warns darkly, before running off and climbing over the fence again. Nat falls to the ground in shock and I gather her up.

"She need-"

Joel starts before I interrupt with,

"She needs sleep. Lock all the doors and close all the windows and curtains. She doesn't leave anybody's sight."

I say. I walk into the house, carrying Nat through into the living room. I lay her down on the comfiest sofa and wrap a blanket round her. She's stone cold and shaking. I lock the front door and close all windows and curtains in the room. Within 5 minutes, every single door and window is locked, along with every curtain shut. I sit next to Nat and Joel, Adam and Andy sit on the other sofas.

"Nat, you need sleep. Every window and door is locked and you won't leave our sight, I promise. Just please go to sleep, babe."

I say. Nat nods and huddles up under the blanket. She's soon asleep. I wait for a few minutes and then I say,

"Well...what the fuck are we gonna do?"

Tell Me Now...Who You Gonna Call?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora