Oh my god...

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(Natalie's P.O.V) (2 days later)

Were all sat in the living room. Ryan's still unconscious and it's been 2 days. None of us can sleep, Andy was lucky, he got two hours last night. I'm tossing and turning, crying and screaming...I can't go on like this. Joel's had to come in and lay with me, it's that bad. He just holds me and last night he even cried with me. He's scared he'll lose his best friend. He's scared he'll lose Lawson. I'm scared about everything. Suddenly, I stand up. The 3 boys eyes are on me.

"Guys, I need to go for some air. Feel free to come and join me."

I leave the room and put my shoes and coat on, leaving the house. I trail my way to the park and sit on the bench facing the kids playground. About 10 minutes later and I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn.

"Hey. Can I join you?"

Joel asks. I nod and make room for him on the bench. Joel sits down and looks at me.

"Nat, we look horrible. Your pale and your tired, your crying all the time and quite frankly, it's making you ill. I'm scared just as you are."

He says. I suddenly start coughing harshly. Joel rubs my back.

"See what I mean?"

He asks. I nod and rest on him.

"All we gotta do is hope. Hope that he's the same Rhino as he was. If he has amnesia, there are ways to get him to remember again. Don't worry, it'll be fine."

Joel comforts, hugging me tightly. I nod, sobbing into his coat. Joel's phone starts ringing.

"It's Andy."

He says after pulling it out his pocket. He goes over to the trees to take the call whilst I sit, with my head in my hands. 5 minutes later,


I jump up.


Joel picks me up and swings me around happily.

"Noeone's talking to him until you get there. You deserve to be the first to know."

He informs me, whilst dragging me back down the street. There's only one car left and we get in and speed off to the hospital. Joel even attempts to run a red light until I stop him quickly. I'm biting my cardi sleeve Because I'm so nervous. I run into the hospital and run all the way up to his room. Andy and Adam are waiting outside and they collapse me in a tight hug.

"The doctors have checked him over. He hasn't talked yet so were not sure if he's forgotten. We'll follow you, babe."

Adam says. I nod and open the door. Ryan's sat up in the bed and he looks at me expressionless. I'm about to rush over before this sensation drains me and I pass out on the floor.


"Nat, come on. Please wake up."

I open my eyes and see Joel holding my hand. I look down. I'm in a hospital bed and I've got a couple of tubes hanging off me. Oh my god...


I manage to say. Joel looks up and his eyes widen.

"Nat! Your finally awake!"

He says. I nod and shift my body a bit.

"What happened to me?"

I ask him. Joel's smile fades. He explains,

"Well, we went in to Ryan's room and you suddenly kinda just, passed out. I don't want to be the one to tell you why..."

I look over to the nurse in the corner and she sighs sadly.

"Sweetheart, you've had a miscarriage."

She says. My hands clamp over my mouth and I scream.


The nurse nods. Joel's squeezing my hand tightly whilst I cry into his shoulder.

"Your state of emotion caused it, I'm so sorry for your loss, honey."

The nurse finishes, rubbing my arm and leaving.

"Joel, I can't believe it..."

I cry into his shoulder. Joel gulps and kisses my head.

"I know, baby, I know. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. You didn't even know you were pregnant, did you?"

He soothes. I shake my head. Suddenly, the door barges open. I look up and see Ryan, Andy and Adam rushing through the door. Ryan rushes to my other side and sits down.

"Oh my god, what happened?"

He asks, pulling me into a hug. I sob loudly and he rubs my back.

"I-I-I...I was...PREGNANT!"

I stutter, collapsing into tears in the end. Ryan's face...I can't tell what he's thinking.

"Whoah, whoah, whoah...what do you mean by 'was'?"

He asks.

(Ryan's P.O.V)

"Ryan, I had a miscarriage! I was so upset and it just wasn't good for the baby...I lost it!"

Nat cries. I drop my hand. Adam scratches the back of his neck and Andy kisses her forehead. Tears threaten to spill from my eyes so I quickly leave the room. After the doors shut, I fall against the wall as cry into my hands. Why did I have to go out? If I hadn't of gone out that early...none of this would have happened and me and Nat would be happy, with a baby on the way. This is all my fucking fault. Nat must have been crying all the time to lose the baby. I'm devastated. She's not even my girlfriend. Suddenly the door opens.

"Mate, what are you doing? Nat needs you in there. She needs you."

Andy asks. I look at him. Andy sits next to me.

"Andy, I could have been a dad if I hadn't of gone out that early. This is all my fault. We had a baby that we didn't even know about, I'm such a fucking idiot."

I say angrily. Andy shakes his head.

"Just stop blaming yourself. I'm really sorry, Rhino."

Is all he says before walking back in. I stand up, wiping my eyes. He's right. Nat needs me now more than ever, she's probably in there now crying her eyes out and I'm not there holding her. I cough and walk back into the room. Everyone's eyes are on me as I go sit next to Nat again. I grab her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. She closes her eyes and tries to calm down. She rests her head on my shoulder and whispers in my ear,

"This may not be the best time but I'd love to be your girlfriend."

She says. Her time is meaningless but I understand why. I smile and kiss her lips gently. She's my girlfriend. That's a bit better. Soon, she decides that she needs some food. I've been released and so has Nat so we make our way to the canteen and get the food whilst she's getting ready. I get myself a plate of chips to share with Nat and get some water and coke. I wait for the guys at the table and we wait for Nat.

"Ryan, I'm really truly sorry. It must be hard for you."

Adam apologises. I nod and scratch my nose.

"Thanks. I just don't wanna talk about it right now."

I thanks Ad's. I turn around and see Nat enter with a bag. I watch her and wave when she sees us. She waves back dully. She's expressionless. Just a straight face. She sits down and I put my arm round her. How long will it take for her to go back to normal again?

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