Fear can change us into someone were not, mate.

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(Andy's P.O.V)

I wake up and stretch. Lucky me, no hangover! I look round my room and grab my phone.

"Hey, babe! Got drunk last night but I'll do it again tonight with you? Love you, princess! Xxx"

I text. When I'm finished I put it back and stare at the ceiling. Me and Anya have been together for 4 months, but at the moment, our relationship isn't exactly a happy one. We've been on and off a lot recently and although she doesn't seem effected by it, it's distracting me from life. I love this girl and she's just acting like I'm a high school playboy. Well, I'm not. My phone goes.

"Erm...sorry, can't. I'm going out with some friends since she's just got back from Australia. Guess you'll have to do it without me. Sorry, sugar. X"

See what I mean? She treats me like I'm a play. Something to have so she can just say that she has me. I don't answer. I can't even be bothered right now. I get up and stagger downstairs. I stop when I get to the kitchen. I can make out a figure sat at the table. Its dark still, and whoever it is didn't bother to turn the frikking light on. It's either Joel or Ryan. Too tall to be Adam. I flip the switch and my question is answered.

"Ryan, whoah, what the...heck...are you doing?!"

I ask, frantically as I see him. Ryan looks up. On the table is his phone, directly in front of him, 5 cans of beer, an empty cup and an electric cigerette. His eyes are bloodshot.

"Are you seriously telling me that you stayed down here all night? Wow, Ryan, you are an idiot."

I say, laughing. He knows I'm mocking him.

"No, actually. I went to bed, I couldn't sleep and when I got a text from Nat, that panicked me so I went downstairs and...this!"

Ryan says. I cut the jokes and ask seriously,

"Ryan? What did Nat say?"

Ryan's face crumples. Oh god.

"She said..."Ryan, if I don't meet you today, please understand. I'll try my hardest but I'm in so much pain right now. Sorry, sweetie."

He says. He starts crying. I close my eyes and turn to face the counter. I don't know her but it hurts to see Ryan cry. Especially over something like this. But this is new.

(Natalie's P.O.V)

I hobble into the kitchen. I text Ryan early at 4 to say that I'm not sure that I could make it. He text me back but I had no time to answer it. Corey bruised and cut my face last night and what's more is that he pushed me down onto the concrete floor outside. Now I'm limping painfully. I have a choice. I either leave now...or I stay and face Corey. He's drunk so he might let me out if I say I'm going to see Chloe. Yeah, I'll do that. I slip my coat on and get my boots on. I look so bashed up. I hobble upstairs and into our bedroom.


I say. Corey looks up sleepily.

"I'm going out with Chloe for the day. Louis is away so she's got some days free."

I explain. Corey nods and slurs,

"Okay. I need you tonight, baby. I need you to make me happy."

He adds a smile at the end. I smile back pretenciously. Half of me wants me to say, 'After what you did to me last night? No way!' But I don't. I say,

"Okay then. I'd better prepare myself."

Corey chuckles and smacks my ass. I moan in pain.

"See, babe, you want me right now. Get back in bed, let's have a go now..."

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