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(Natalie's P.O.V)

"Just drop me here, Joel."

I tell Joel who's driving.

"But, Nat. Your 2 streets away from your house!?"

Ryan says, confused. But then he understands.

"Yeah, Joel stop here."

Joel stops and I get out with the help of Ryan and Adam. I hug Adam and grasp Andy's hand for a couple of seconds. Joel rolls his window down and hugs me, kissing me on the cheek.

"Be safe, cuteness."

He says. Joel and Adam know about Corey now. I nod and just as I'm about to hug Ryan,

"Excuse me, I'm not going to leave you to walk on your own down two streets in the pitch black. I'm coming with you."

I smirk.

"Mate, I won't be long. 5-10 minutes the most. See you in a bit."

Ryan says to Joel. He nods and all the rest of the boys wave at me. I wave back whilst Ryan supports me. He gets me onto the pavement and then holds me until I'm used to the crutches.

"I don't know if Corey's even in..."

I say. Ryan looks at me.

"Text him."

I shake my head. Ryan stuffs his hands in his pockets.

"Erm...Nat? About that kiss...?"

Ryan asks. I roll my eyes then smile.

"Ryan. I wanted to prove a point. Nothing else. I'm sorry."

I say. Ryan's face drops to the minimal level of sadness. Iv just told a lie...but I can't tell him...yet.

"Ah. Right, okay. Well..."

Ryan says, quietly. My crutch slips and he grabs me.

"You and crutches don't mix, missus."

He jokes. I laugh.

"Oh, god. I know. 2 weeks with these? God help me."

I reply. Ryan chuckles. It takes a few minutes and then were outside my house.

"Right. Quickly so that noeone sees you."

I say. Ryan nods and we hug.

"Thanks, Ryan. Today's been...eventful."

I laugh. Ryan smiles at my laugh. He replies,

"I agree. It's okay, Nat. I know I've said this every day since 3 days ago when we met...but PLEASE try and stop him. It kills me to see you hurt like that."

I sigh and nod. He kisses my forehead and starts to walk away. I watch his red leathered back get smaller and smaller until he's hidden by the darkness of the street. I sigh to myself and struggle up to the door. It's locked.

(2 months later)(Ryan's P.O.V)

I haven't seen Nat in a whole month. She keeps dropping me texts every day. Stuff like, 'I'm okay', or, 'Don't worry about me'. But it just keeps making me nervous. The last time I saw her, we was so close to been getting caught. The lads came along too, if it weren't for them, Nat would be in so much shit.

"You know, maybe we should just grow some balls and actually go knock on her damn door."

Joel says. I look at him.

"I have some balls. You obviously haven't thought that through. If we go knocking on her door, what's that prick gonna do to Nat? Eh?!"

I snap. The boys have been really worried about me lately. And I don't blame them. Even I'm worried for myself. I look in the mirror every morning and I see a guy who has nothing to fight for. I didn't even know her that well. She just got into my blood system and I've fallen for her. I'm a guy with bags under his eyes cause he can't sleep when she's always on his mind, a white complexion cause he can't find the point in eating. I don't blame them. All I do is go to the gym.

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