Everything's great.

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I wait in Costa for Sophie. I called Chloe but Louis is taking her out for the day. I guess I should thank Louis for making her happy. Sophie and Louis are from different sides of the family. So I called Sophie and asked her to meet me in Costa. I've got two hot chocolates waiting in front of me. When I see her come in, I wave and she finds me.


I say. She sits down and replies,

"Hey, tell me."

By the look on my face I think she can tell.

"Nat, I've known you too long. I know when your nervous."

She says. I nod and say,

"I just wanted a chat. Everything's great..."

Sophie folds her arms and raises her eyebrows at me. Oh god. I'm gonna cry.

"I can't do this! Corey wasn't the person he was, he was just pretending. He hit me! And then he forced me to have sex with him! I can't do this anymore!"

I cry, collapsing onto the table. Sophie looks shocked. Several people look at me but I'm not too bothered about it.


(Walking home)

I'm on my way home and I'm a bit of a mess. Until I see Ryan coming down the street. I recognised his red leather jacket. I gasp and start to run towards him.


I shout, just before I get to him. He looks up, suprised. When I reach him, I wrap his arms round me so I can cry against him.


He says, tightening his grip. I release all my tears out on his jacket and to my suprise, he doesn't even mind.

"Ryan, it's been a day and I'm already hating it to the point of hell!"

I cry. Ryan rubs my back and says,

"Hey...come back to mine and the lads. Have a chat with me. Let's get to know each other."

I breathe out and nod. We begin to walk the other way. 15 minutes later, were going into a big house.

"Erm, Ryan...how many people live in this house?"

I ask, before entering. Ryan chuckles.

"Only 4. Me and the lads. Don't worry."

He answers. I nod, still unsure, and follow Ryan inside. I shiver when Ryan closes the door as all the warm air hits me. Ryan takes my coat and I put my shoes next to the door. Ryan guides me to the kitchen. There's a brown haired small guy sat at the kitchen table with a book.

"Alright, Ad's. How you doing?"

Ryan asks. Adam waves and answers with,

"Alright! Yourself?"

Ryan nods and says,

"Not too bad."

He walks over to a counter and starts messing with some cups.


Ryan asks. I'm about to answer but Adam says,

"No, thanks, mate. Got some here."

Ryan laughs whilst I smile.

"Ad's...I wasn't talking to you."

Ryan laughs. Adam scoffs and says,

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