Don't hit me!

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I get dropped off by Andy driving and Ryan in the back seat. Me and Ryan didn't say anything to each other but I swore I caught him staring at me in the rearview.

"Thanks, Andy. Sorry for drinking all your wine."

I joke. I'm so drunk. Andy chuckles.

"Nah, we've got a secret stash in the cupboard. Come round and get drunk with us any time you like. It was nice to meet you, we should see you again."

He says, giving me a gentle hug. I smile and nod. I put my head through Ryan's window and me and Ryan just sit with our eyes locked.

"I'm sorry, Ryan. I really am. But you ha-!"

I'm interrupted by,


I withdraw my head out the window and see Corey fuming on the front steps of the house.

"Just a second."

I say.


I shake my head and put my head through the window again.

"It was my fault. No worries. I understand."

Ryan says, trying to be happy but failing. I smile lightly and I'm about to hug him until I'm wrenched from the window. I scream.

"Don't you ever disobey me...EVER AGAIN! Little shit!"

Corey yells into my face. Soon enough I'm being fought over by 3 men, 2 stronger than the other.

"What the fuck do you think your actually doing, mate?!"

Corey asks, facing Andy.

"Trying to stop you from hurting this beatiful thing."

Andy says. Corey's fuming.

"Don't you call her beautiful."

He warns. Andy smirks and mumbles,

"She's beautiful. She's so fucking beautiful."

Corey yanks me away and Ryan and Andy are just stood there. They aren't looking for a fight. They don't want to fight.

"Guys, just go."

I plead. Ryan shakes his head vigourously. Tears are falling down my cheeks. I close my eyes and say,


Ryan's face is painful to look at. I give him a pleading look and he nods slowly.

"Okay. But you stay safe and see me tomorrow."

He orders. I nod and as he begins to advance to hug me, Corey yanks me back away from him, making me scream loudly.

"Hey! No, don't do that!"

Andy pleads, reaching out.


Corey hisses. The boys get in the car and I know that Ryan is refusing to look at me in case he cries. They wave, slowly, and drive off. As soon as their car is out of sight, Corey let's go and pushes me towards the house. I sprint for the house, in attempt to get as far away from him as possible. I run into the kitchen and Corey runs in after me.

"You think you can go hang around and flirt with other guys? Huh?"

Corey asks, angrily. I shake my head vigourously, protecting myself with a chair.

"I wasn't flirting I swear! Ryan helped me the other day and we ran into each other, so I went back to his to meet his household, we had a bit of wine, END OF!"

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