Chapter 5

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Thank you all for your patience with me. This is how I picture Lilly to look. Freckles, button nose, messy auburn hair, everything. And I want to say thank you to the lovely laynna16 for helping me when I get stuck. Now, I'll shut up. Enjoy.

As I walked in Anna had walked out. I turned from watching her go up the stairs to see Daisy putting away pans that the kitchen maids had washed and dried. Mrs. Patmore had her back to me, she was talking to one of the kitchen maids. She turned from the kitchen maid to face my direction.

Once her eyes landed on me she smiled. "Hello love, what brings you here?" Daisy walked out of the kitchen towards the servants hall carrying a tea pot.

"Have you seen a book lying around?" She put her hands on her hips, and looked in the air as if thinking.

"No, no I don't recall seeing one down here." Daisy walked back into the kitchen.

"Thank you Mrs. Patmore."

"Sorry I couldn't have been any help love." I gave her an assuring smile.

"it's alright, I'll find it eventually." As I started to leave Daisy spoke.

"Are you going to the fair tonight, Lilly?" I looked at her.

"There is a fair?" She nodded.

"Yes, in the village. You were just at the village, you didn't see the decorations?" I bit my lip.

"No, surprisingly I didn't see anything."

Mr. Patmore spoke. "She was somewhat occupied." I looked to see her smirking at me, I gave her a playful look and scoffed as I looked back at Daisy. Daisy looked between us, before settling on me.

"You could come with us if you like?" I smiled.

"I'd love too." She grinned before going back to her work. I looked behind me to the servants hall.

"Who's in the servants hall?" Daisy turned her head around to reply.

"Mr. Bates, Mrs. O'Brien, Gwen, William and Thomas." Maybe Thomas knows where it is. Maybe he came back down here and happened to pick it up.

I smiled at the two. "I'll see you two later." They smiled and said their goodbyes as I walked out of the kitchen towards the servants hall. As I came near to the hall William walked out.

His face was red, with what I presume was anger. He bumped my shoulder as he made his way up the stairs. I turned from where he went and walked to the doorway of the hall, I leaned up against it.

I peeked my head around the corner and looked in, Thomas was seated with his back to me. Miss O'Brien to his right, Mr. Bates sat in front of him with a not so please look on his face, Gwen to his right.

Mr. Bates leaned forward onto the table. "You Bastard." He spat with pure hatred. Thomas leaned his arm onto the back of his chair and brought his cigarette to his lips.

He pulled it away and let a puff of smoke escape into the air. Miss O'Brien looked at Thomas and smirked. I look a step back and decided to ignore it, and walked into the foyer and up the stairs.


I walked into the main hall and heard my name being called, I turned around to see Mr. Carson.

"Yes, Mr. Carson?"

"His Lordship would like to see you in the library." I thanked him as I made my way into the library.

A Lady and her Footman (a Downton Abbey Fanfiction/Thomas Barrow)Where stories live. Discover now