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Grayson 💀💋
Today 3:40 PM

Come down to Two Hands

I can't I'm busy



Read 3:41 PM
Read 3:42 PM
Grayson why are you pushing me away?
What did I do this time?

It wasn't you
You didn't do anything

I pushed you didn't I?You weren't ready

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I pushed you didn't I?
You weren't ready

What are you even talking about?

Saying I love you
It was too soon

FUCKING hell Sahar it's not that
Literally has nothing to do with you
When will you understand that you're never the problem?
Well you're being a problem now
But you're almost never the problem

Are you sure?
We don't text
We don't hang out anymore

One week isn't going to kill you

It's already killing me
You're a drug
That makes me happy and horny
So viagra and weed
That's literally you

Sahar are you okay

No I'm not

It's for the best yeah?

No no no
What do you think you're doing?

Uh nothing?

Grayson re read that text again

I don't see the problem with it?

Those are break up words
I stg don't be ugly and break up with me over texts
Don't do me like that
At least call me and say it to me
So I know

Sugar plum
I'm not breaking up with you
I just don't need you in my life right now
It's too dangerous
I can't function correctly knowing you could get hurt

Grayson you're scaring me

I don't mean to


"Talk to me right now!" I demanded, wasting no time in calling him.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Sahar!" He curses at at me. "Why are you suddenly whiney and clingy?"

"Do you not understand we have something more now? Once those fucking words hit the fan they do something to you. They change you. Now what is bothering you?"

"None of your god damn business," he says matter of fact.

"LISTEN hard ass," I start, raising my finger up as if he were right in front of me. "I thought we were done with your secrets. "

"It's information I don't want you to know."

"So basically secrets?"

"I'll tell you once the problem is handled."

"Does it involve you getting hurt?"


"Let me get involved then."

"No god dammit. Stop being like this!" He growls. I could picture him ripping out his hair or just pulling it.

"I care for you, G."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he grounds out. A sudden pang in my chest signaled my brain saying this wasn't him. He wasn't like this. This wasn't his usual talk, the way he was so sarcastic and he was teasing. He was actually annoyed.

I sighed. "I love you."

He stayed silent on the other line. It was worth a shot, to see if he would actually reply back.y finger tips were drumming against the table, my heart beating in my ears. I could still hear him, his breathing erratic and low.

"I love you."

"I'll stay away from you."

"Thank you."

And he disconnected the call. Just like that. Nothing more nothing less, and even if he still said he loved me. . .

There was a new forming hole in my chest.

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