Trust Me (OHSHC)

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With the first day of school again I honestly couldn't believe it. I was a junior in high school. Not just any high school, NO! This was Ouran Academy. A place were I have learned that no matter what you do in high school DONT EVER HAVE A CRUSH ON A BOY.

Boys suck.

I swear more and more girls I know are lesbians because guys just suck. Why would you ever date one? I men really?

Just don't date boys. They have like cooties or something... I don't know. They drink some funky water, that's why they are so brain dead.

"I swear, this school changes the rooms around every year." I was looking for room 8-D. I was kind if excited, the room name looked like a happy face. Giving me an impression this would be a good year. But I knew by then that everything is not what it seems.

"Why is it so difficult to find one room." I was either blind or tired. I had passed by the class twice already an I didn't even notice.

By the end of my senior year I still wouldn't know where to find my class. I only have one!

"Ugh! Finally!" I circled around the building another time until I finally stopped right in front of the third story stairs, to my left, which was my class.

"Every fucking year..." I stuffed the paper into my knew purse and glanced around the class.


Little Miss Red-Head perched herself at the front of the class. Welcome to the begging of the worst day of junior year.

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