Chapter 8: Tongue Tied

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I woke up in a hot sweat, and a tousled bed. The nightmares were coming back. One's of my sister, the kids at school, and even Lee. My body was shaking, string, in complete fear. Fear that this depression would one day consume me again.

Getting up for school was only half the fun.

"Hey, are you ok?" Finn asked me in the halls.

I nodded. "Yeah, jut going to class." I sighed.

"Oh HI, Financier!" No... stop..

"Hey Lee!" He waved.

You're shitting me right? RIGHT?!

I rolled my eye and continued my way without an explanation at all. "Fucking bitch.." I muttered under my tired glare. I stopped in my tracks. How did he....

Pulling his tie down the lengthy hallway I pushed him into the boys' bathroom

"Woah! What!? You can't just go in the-"

I slapped him dead across the face, even if I had to stand on my tippy-toes. "Why did you talk to her?"

His hand held the red mark on his face. Eyes traveling to his hand, back to me. "Who? Lee?"

My upper lip quivered. "Yes." I spat, pulling his tie closer to my face.

"So then I said- What? Girl?!" Two boys walked into the bathroom.

I growled, squinted my eyes at the two of them. "LEAVE!" Hissing, turning my attention back to Finn. The two of them looked from both me to Finn, then back to me. They backed up slowly until they diapered out of the bathroom.

"How do you know her?" I kept looking deeper into his, trying to see into his emotions. They flashed before my eyes until I couldn't read them anymore.

"Why do you care?" He wasn't scared anymore, more...amused? He smirked.

I groaned, throwing my head into the air. "Just tell me!" I begged.

His eyes softened a little and his grin deepened. "Why?" Finn crossed his arms even while I held on to his top.

"Don't do this know. I really need to know!" I screamed, pulling the boy's tie even harder until our faces were so close.

He sighed. "She's my sister's friend."

The air in my throat caught in my throat. "It has to be just a coincidence..." Shacking my head the world spun even more.

There was no way. Absolutely NO way what I was thinking was true.

"What?" He asked.

"No... you are absolutely joking right?" I stumbled to the tiled bathroom floor.

His sister was friends with Lee King. It all came together. The girl who 'just so happened' to hate me, because I ruined her love with Tamaki. The girl that -last year- came to this school just to tell me off. The girl who wanted me gone. Those two girls had this all planned from the very start. Lee would be here, she knew this school inside and out. And Eclair, the girl who hated me so much she wanted my life to be a living hell. It was almost comical, really.

It had to be her. The two of them knew everything about me. They destroyed my relationship, my pride, and my heart. The money, the strawberries, the kissing, the harassing. It was them. All them.

"Finn, your sister...-"

How was I supposed to finish that sentence.

Finn, your sister hates me? Cold.

Finn, your sister wants me to die? Warm.

Finn, your sister has destroyed me? Warmer.

Finn, your sister is a complete bitch? Close, but still not there...

Finn, I almost died because of your sister? Ding, ding, ding!

But I didn't say it. All the words had been pulled from me. There was not a single word to describe how angry, sad, confused, depressed, everything.

I was tongue tied.


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