Chapter 3: Nicknames

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"Hahah, yeah." Daichi and I finished our conversation.

The two of us were becoming really close and I learned a lot about him in the past week.

"I just honestly can't believe it!" I laughed.

He pushed into me. "Don't laugh! It's not funny!!"

I continued to laugh. "Oh come on." I joked.

His face was turning a deep red. "It's embarrassing!" He pouted.

"Don't make that face." I still laughed.

"I'll stop pouting if you stop laughing..." Daichi crossed his arms over his chest.

"I just...-"


"Ok... Ok, it's not funny." I put my hands up protectively. I smiled like an idiot trying to hold back my laughter.

"You better not laugh." He pointed a finger at me.

"Dai, I'm not laughing." I choked covering my small chuckle.

"You laughed!" He ran after me.

"No I didn't!!!" I ran down the hallway dying of laughter.

He pulled on my neck and nuggied my head.

"Ow! Hey quit it!! You're ruining my hair!!!" I pushed his arms away from my head. Smoothing out my hair.

"Don't mess with the frow, yo."

"Don't ever say that again."

We laughed together making our way to the Host Club. We were so early because we kind of left class. The teacher had to leave for the rest of the class so we just kinda took a twenty minute stroll through the corridors.

He put his hand over my shoulder as we made our was to music room 3.

"Oh, hey Tess!" Hikaru spotted us in the halls just as the students were let out of their classrooms.

"Sup man?" I said still trying not to laugh.

"Hey! Hikafu was it?" Daichi asked.

"Hikaru.." He clenched his jaw.

"Oh right."

"Pft..... Hahahah!!!" I couldn't contain it.

Daichi gently pushed my arm. "Are you still laughing!?"

"No, no... No I'm good..." I wiped away my tears.

"Am I missing something?" The red head before us asked us.

"Well you see-" Daichi covered my mouth with his hand.

"Don't!" He said sternly but with a playful smile.

I pushed his hand away. "Yeah, yeah. I won't. Pinky swear." We pinky swore.

I started to walk to the club when Daichi turned to go down the stairs.

"Wait, where are you going? Your not coming to the club with us?" I asked the descending blonde.

"Can't, I have to work on Fridays." He said holding into the staircase railing.

"'Kay, but you better do the plan. I'm calling you tonight and if you don't I know where you live." I warned.

"Please don't..." He furrowed his brows with a scared expression.

I chuckled. "I will, love yah Dai!!" I waved to the boy.

"You two seem to be close." Hikaru said.

I looked into his eyes, but I couldn't read them.

"Oh yeah, he's perfect." I chuckled.

"Yeah.." His voice low.

"You ok, Hikaru?"

He stopped in the hallway. Everyone else had already arrived to where they wanted to go so we weren't an inconvenience to the others.

"Why do you give everyone nicknames?" He asked, I still couldn't read him.

Back home I gave a select few nicknames. My friend Nicole I just called Nicole. There are nicknames for that name... But it just felt weird saying it. She wasn't a Nicky or Nick... Or even a Nickle. She was just Nicole. Just like my other friend George. I tried calling him Geo once.... He didn't talk to me for a week. Not because he hated it, just because he didn't know I was calling out to him.

"Why do you ask?"

"You gave both Financier and Daichi nicknames within a week of meeting them." He deadpanned.

I crossed my arms. "I called you Hik like twice..." Maybe not the best form of a comeback.

Hikaru raised a brow. "I just feel..."


"Left out."

"Awww, that's cute. But seriously, I call everybody else by their first names. So why do you really care?"

He muttered something under his breath that sounded like he said 'because its them' but I wasn't sure.

As much as I didn't want to seem to care, I did. Hikaru generally felt left out, and I needed to change that.

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