Alterante 2: Finn X Tess

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So would it be: Fess, Tenn, Tinn, or Fiss???? Anyway, this story was given to be my lovely follower @StarStruck3AJ they are an amazing human being, you should totally go follow them!!!

Also, if this is not your cup of ship, please don't leave a nasty comment (unless you're joking of course). And with that.... Here you are.


I stood at the foot of a three story high building, dazzling in pastel hues of soft forms of off-whites. These "houses", were piled- nearly built- right on top of each other. The cobblestone siding matched nicely with the eggshell white of the house. The hipped roof, flared eaves, and multi-panes dormers just screamed 'French'. I was utterly blown away by how elegant the entire street was looking.

Then again, what would you expect from Paris, France? Run down apartments with shattered windows and trash polluting the landscape? Hilarious.

However, this wasn't what I was entirely expecting when my mom said I was "going to visit Auntie Dianne for a week." And I week I would stay. Heck, I'd live here.

People passed behind me as I stood waiting in the wonderful, pink, arched doorway. The engravings were simple yet beautiful. The best part about France had to be its architecture. I'm sure others would happily push my beliefs aside, however, what do we all know about France? Besides berets, croissants, and baguettes? The Eiffel Tower of course! That right there my friends, is what we call 'architecture'.

Quick history lesson: Did you know the French though the historic landmark was ugly at first? True story!

Anyways, with my luggage in tow, I awaited my aunt to greet me at the door. It never came. My aunt said that if it was locked, or she wasn't home, to unlock it myself. She said she may be working late, and since it was a one way flight... I was here rather earlier than predicted.

With that in mind, I pulled out the key and let myself in, closing the huge door behind me. The breathtaking view glimmered around my eyes.

Cream crown molding lined the ceilings and walls, creating a boarder around the delicate features of the ceilings. Every room drew you in with its warm lighting and floral prints scattered around the home. The elegance in this house was unbearable, I felt as though I couldn't touch anything without me breaking something.

I removed my shoes in the mudroom, and hung my jacket over a hook. Where to put my luggage was the question. I left my large bag in the corner of the room, right next to my shoes. Leading myself out, I began to explore the rest of the house.

To much surprise, each floor was quaint in size, making it seem actually smaller than it appeared. This was until I realized the three floors did- in fact- belong to my aunt. Each floor had its own individualized theme, and color scheme.

The first floor was terra cotta, mahogany, coquelicot, and any form of 'deep maroon meets a hint orange' feel. The florals added to the feel of 'high-class' and elegance, whilst the second floor was much less from the first.

This floor was cool tones strictly; Cerulean, Cambridge blues, Topaz colors, with hints of emeralds flickering around the room. These rooms ditched the floral theme and went for a consecutive stripe look. It was classy and vintage, giving off a cozy cottage vibe. Vibrant white pillows fluffed nicely on nearly every couch, made me wounded if I was actually in France anymore.

Finally, the third floor was the most different out of the three. Electric yellows flashed my eyes with this chic modern look. I felt that my aunt joked heavily on the whole 'or' color theme on this floor. She was beyond ridiculous at this point. However, I felt as though this was exactly something she would do. And surprisingly, it was rather easy to see why each floor had its own style.

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