Chapter 10: Never Would I Ever

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So I know I said I would put my a/n in the comments but I really want to know what you guys think if the knew covers!!! <3


"What?" She backed up slightly, trying to muster a calm figure. I could see the fright in her eyes.

I pointed a finger at her. "I said, you fucking did it!?"

"Wait, now I'm confused. What?" Finn hopped into the conversation.

"Your sister ruined my life!" I finger still pointing to her.

Finn's brows move to the center of his forehead. "How? She doesn't even go to our school?"

"Her friend Lee and her have been working together to ruin my life. She was there when the strawberries were poured on me, and when 'Haruhi' called me to the school at night. She harassed me and I ended up in the hospital!" I shouted. This girl was going to get what was coming to her.

"Is this true?" Finn asked his sister with a blank expression. He crossed his arms after a few moments of silence.

She shook her head. "I don't even know her!" She tried to find a way to escape my comments.

"You didn't answer the question..." Finn began to tap his foot. Behind his eerie grimace his eyes looked sad.

"No... I.... It was all her fault!" She fell to the floor crying. "She took the man I loved away from me!"

"Eclair... You can't force someone to love you. Tamaki loves Haruhi, and Haruhi loves him. And brining his mother into this was just plain wrong. He misses his mother so much. It almost hurts to see you use someone so dear to him like that. If you really loved him you would let him go..." I sighed sadly.

As mad as I was at her I almost couldn't be. Maybe she would never stop loving Tamaki, or maybe she would find someone who loved her just as much. But I almost couldn't blame her for what she did. I don't know what I would have done if I loved someone so much, like her.

I crouched down to her and pay her head as she whispered under her tears. "I tried... I really did. I thought maybe he would someday. I went out if my way. I put all my fears behind me to just make him mine." Eclair sobbed.

"What fears?" I cooed, allowing her to vent.

"Everything!" She cried.

I stood up. I couldn't get myself attached to her, she needed to understand what she did. She hurt me... A lot. But that she didn't need to understand. She needed to understand that bribery would get her no where. And that hurting someone wouldn't help you win.

The poor girl put her fears and troubles behind her to get to the one she loved, wether he (or even she) realized it or not.

My only hope was that she could cope with this. I practically slapped her in the face with the information she didn't want to hear. And for that I felt sorry.

Leaving the house was heartbreaking. How would you feel if the one you loved didn't live you at all. That he was forced into marrying you and you had to let him go. I shook my head.

She would find someone who loved her for her. I knew she would. Eclair is a smart girl and fights for what's she wants, even if she does go a little extreme. She had good intentions with a beating heart. Hurting me was her own freaky way of venting and getting back at 'what I did'.

I learned a lot that day.

• Never take anything for granted

• Love finds it's way

• Don't hurt people to get what you want

And the most important

•Forgive, even if it hurts

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