Chapter 19: Sneak and Sleep

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A rattling sound woke me up. When did I fall asleep? All that I could remember was sitting my bed watching the day go by, what time was it?

2:00 the neon glow from my clock strained my eyes. I tried moving in the dark, but it was rather hard to see.

"Hello??" I whispered in the dark. The window flew open to my right and a dark figure walked through. It was barely noticeable, but the moon helped outline the dark silhouette.

I was about to scream but their icy hand flew over my lips. I tried biting the skin but I couldn't. They pushed me on the bed roughly. I screamed, tossed and turned, but their body was to heavy.

My worst fear was upon me. I struggled to breath until they whispered in my ear.

"Stop struggling, don't scream." The low undefinable voice whispered. My skin crawled at his words.

"Damn Tess, stop." Oh.

He removed his hands from my should and mouth. I leaned forward a little and slapped him dead across the face. Everything hurt right now, and he had the nerve to come here?!

I breathed in, trying to subside my tears from falling down my trembling figure. His amber hair covered his Evette's in the darkness as his neck was cemented to the side my hand had brought him.

"Why!! Why are you here?!" I cried into the darkness. My eyes billowed with the dewdrops of sadness.

Hikaru turned to face me and brushed the hair from his eyes. "For you." The deep certainly rattled my bones.

"Of course, but that's not an answer!" I tried to stay strong, but his words only removed the bandage from the fresh scars.

Biting on my bottom lip I awaited a response that I knew I would dread. Every breath he took before his answer made me crave the words from his mouth. I wanted anything, something, just so I could know I needed to go on hating him. I would only hate myself more if I let any remorse heal him. He needed no love from me.

"I came back for the girl that is better for me."

I shook my head. His smooth dialect and icy touch wouldn't match all the pain he had caused me, and even her. "What are you talking about?!"

"A girl that works that hard to prove to me that she is clearly better, should have me. Remember?" The redhead quoted me just hours ago.

I shook him off some more. "Don't use my words against me!"

"But I came back for you. Tess, don't you see, you were right all along. You are the one for me."

I laughed, crossing my arms. "Please keep your bipolar needs away from me. Seriously, if all you want to do is play tag with my emotions then I don't want to be apart of this game." I was laughing on the outside but crying on the inside.

"Tess please..." He pulled my arms apart with his cold grip. Holding my hands in his, just for me to give in more.

I wanted to give in, but I couldn't. I was being pulled apart, bit by bit I was slowly falling into his trap. I was putty in this boys hands. Why? I don't know. Every word, every sound, every touch I just wanted to lace my arms around him and pet his hair. The sound of him breathing that would lull me to sleep.

"Why are you begging me now? I had given you so many chances to be with me again. You keep brushing me off, and then you go and take HER side! Hikaru, I just...."

That's when the tears fell. I had no control, and no way to hide my damp face. Hikaru had been holing my hands strong enough it couldn't pull away. I was forced to cry in front of the boy that caused me all this pain. Putting my head down and letting my hair gal in my face was my only escape from his dreamt glare.

He held me close. I was beyond weak to even come close to reacting. It didn't matter who the comfort came from, I just needed the heat from someone else to make me feel better. The small circles being drawn in my back eased my pain, but I still cried.

Mustering as much power and will as I could I pushed him gently. "I think you should go..."

"I'm not leaving." He stated firmly, still holding onto my limp body.

I shook my dizzy head. "Please, you will only make it worse."

"I can't give up now. After everything we have been through, don't tell me you don't feel something."

"I feel pain. I'm tired of this on again off aging bullshit. Clearly I'm not the girl for you. I tried so hard to prove it to you and myself. I'm sorry for wasting your time."

"But you didn't!" Hikaru cut me off. I didn't dare look up into his eyes. Keep my head down and try not to be seen. But I was in the limelight, a force I could not undo.

"Tess, you've shown me so many things. You make me a better person!"

"All I do is make you mad!" It was my turn to cut him off.

He grabbed my face. I was eye to eye with the boy that had me wrapped around his finger. I slammed my eyes shut but he persuaded me to keep them open.

"You get me angry because I can't figure you out. You are so different and I have no control over you. You are so different! You are so delicate but yet so strong, but you are so nice and yet you can bust out swears. You could cuss out the worst of sailors. I just don't get you Tess. Why are you so different?"
He took a breath. "That is why I always come back. I realize that I have to stay with you because there is something I can never find in anyone else. It's you. You are beyond unique. Like your own person. No one can tell you what to do."

I hesitated. Looking at his eyes in the painted opacity in the room. He wasn't lying, and that's what scare me.

"But how many times will you leave, Hikaru?! You save you will always come back... But then why leave?!" I needed to know so much more.

He sighed, pausing and pondering his words. "I can't say that we won't have out differences... Because we will. But I won't ever leave again. You have my word."

"But what if you do! What if you do leave?!"

"I... I don't know. I am beyond stupid and you have every right to be mad at me. It's just, you are so perfect and I want to figure you out. You are so hard to crack, you are like an addiction." He mumbled something after that, which I couldn't quite pick up. But he made me blush.

I wanted him just as much as he wanted me. But how could I know if we would ever be the same. What if we just broke off again? I was so confused, but I was wondering.

I closed my eyes and held my breath. The thoughts tumbled out of my mouth before I had any chance to resist.

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