Chapter 5: Daichi Ditch

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Fucking Wattpad deleted this story!!!! Ldjejsjssvkakizoo!! Screamssss!!! If it doesn't come out that good, it's cuz I'm doing it from memory... Carry on


After the episode with Liam my mom got really worried. She thought I was going to need therapy again. I told her I was fine, but I didn't leave the house at all that weekend.

"Hey, you ok?" Daichi sat next to me in class

I slumped in my chair. "No..." I mumbled.

"Oh.. Why?"

I sighed. "Long story, but tell me did you do the plan?"

He gave a half smile, rubbing his neck. "Well... You see.."

"You didn't!" I pointed a finger and stood from my seat.

"I have my reasons!" The blond begged.

I sat down with a scowl drawing my eyes. "Spill."

"I panicked."

"You such."

He grabbed my arms"I needed you! I thought you were going to come over..."

"Oh my god, wow." We laughed as the teacher drew our attention to the board in front of us and started class.


"Hey ugh guys!" I said to the two tall men in front of me.

Teruo made a face. "Yeah? Whatcha need Tess?"

"I need help on this math problem here." I skipped through the halls. "Mind helping me?"

"Sure." Teruo nodded.

A giant grin appeared on my lips and Daichi gave me a confused look as we entered the club.

I had been trying to push away all my thoughts of Liam that entire day. His voice and name ran through my head during the teachers lessons and I couldn't concentrate.

"Earth to Tess?" Teruo asked me as we sat down.

"Oh yeah, what?"

"The math??" His brows furrowed.

I chuckled pulling out my binder with the homework in it showing the two the problem.

"Erh, slut." A female voice behind me whispered.

"Excuse m-" I turned around to see no one behind me.

Teruo cleared his throat. "Are you even listening??"

"Sorry, say that again."

"Hey guys!" She walked over to our table.

"Hey!" The two boys smiled equally at her.

"Wow! Congrats by the way!" She yelled a little over the top.

I rose a brow. "About what?" I asked keeping a close distance from her.

She twirled her neon red hair around her polished finger. The devil himself would ask her how she got her hair that red. Bloody red I tell you.

"Heehee! Why Tess and Daichi, or course! You guys never told me you were dating!" He shrill laugh echoed through the silent room.

I clenched my fists around the arms of the chair. "Neither did I?" I looked at her in pure confusion.

Turning around to a stunned Daichi and a bored Teruo I sank.

"We aren't dating!" I told Teruo rising from my seat.

"Whatever, you seem to not need my help on the work anyways." Said boy grabbed his things and headed out the door.

"Wait!" I yelled out to him.

"What's wrong?" She twirled her hair with a sinister look.

"Who the fuck do you think you are." I growled under my breath pulling my arm above my waist.

"Don't!" Daichi pulled me back.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

Her smiled darkened. "She's not worth it." Dai whispered to me.

"Bye!" She sashayed away.

I shook my head turning to face him. "I'm so sorry..."

"It's not your fault." He rubbed his neck.

"Yes, but she hates me. I didn't mean to bring you into this." I sighed.

"Oh well. I just hope the rumors die down soon." I nodded.

"So you're dating, huh?" Hikaru said behind me.

"What? No." I stammered.

"Whatever, have fun." He fled the room.

I ran my fingers through my hair. "Wow... Everybody hates me now. Huh?"

Trust Me (OHSHC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang