Chapter 9: Questions

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"You're taking me to your house! Where is your sister!?" I pulled myself up looking up to him.

I wanted to cry, but I wanted to stay focused even more.

"She won't be home. She's at school... Like us. Why do you need her?"

There was no way I could bring myself to tell him. Or even explain the situation. If he was in the dark he wouldn't judge me or assume I'm lying. Ignorance is bliss after all.

I shook my head. "I'm coming over your house after school." I ordered. I needed this to be straightened out once and for all.


Most of the day was a living nightmare. My teachers kept badgering to me. The classes were loud, and all I could think about was snapping that girls next. My fingernails etched the desk's wood to the bone in class. I eroded the oak while I impatiently waited for the bells to ring. On e they did I bolted out the door, not waiting up for the two boys yelling my name.

Checking Finn's class I found no one. He wasn't even there. Turing on my heels I ran all the way to the club.

"Finn!" I yelled.

"Tess!" Daichi yelled.

"Daichi?" I questioned.

"Tess?!" Finn questioned back.

"Ughhhhhhhhh!!! I don't have time for this!! Finn, we need to go!"

"Where are you going?" Daichi and Tamaki asked together.

"Over his house. Oh my god, hurry!!" I practically screamed.

Hikaru walked up to me. I didn't want to hear what he was going to say really. But before I could finish thinking he opened his mouth.

"So are you two dating now?" He asked.

I groaned. "Why do you think I date EVERY person I talk to!? Like really! If that were the case I would be married to my fucking cat!"

"I thought you and Daichi were...?"

I really wanted to slap him. "Are you dense!? Daichi is GAY!"

Daichi blushed when I turned to look over to him. It slipped out. He shook his head with a smile. "Tess, I had been meaning to tell you that Teruo and I were dating now."

"Finally!" I hugged him.

See, the day of the dance his jerk friends wanted him to dance with a girl. They didn't know he was gay and they just kinda forced him. The day I was dying in the hallways was the day he told me. And that plan? Was to get him and Teruo to date. Teruo is Bi... Soo...

"What?" Hikaru looked at me.

"Are we going?!" I groaned again to Finn.

He nodded. "The driver is here."

I clasped him hand with mine ready to book it out the door.

"What? Where are you and Financier going?" Hikaru asked more questions.

"Listen, I have something REALLY important to do... So stop assuming shit! Ok?! I don't need more rumors than there are. I have to go." And with that I was out the door with Finn by my side.

Did I feel bad for Hikaru? Well yeah. Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh, but just because I talked to guys didn't mean we were dating. That's what Hikaru needed to understand. He didn't understand a lot about me, I wondered if he ever would.

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