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Hello all my wonderful readers and followers if this here story. As you probably have noticed I haves uploaded any part in the last... 2..3,4?!? However many months or so. Hahahah... Don't kill me. This is because, sadly, I don't have the greatest motivation to finish te story. And no begging or pushing me to complete this story could help either. As unfair and completely out of the blue this is, know it is none of your faults. And, despite my lack of interest to finish this story, I did enjoy every moment making this.

SOOOOO!! Before you hit up my message box crying and blubbering how you will miss me... Know that IM NOT LEAVING!!! Thought you could get rid of me?!? Think again. Rest assure I will be doing other stories... And I will get to thy in a minute. I realized I am not J.K. Rowling (author of Harry Potter) and I cannot right a fucking novel after another novel of THE SAME DAMN SERIES! (She is a wonderful author I was just using her as an example)

Furthermore, I'm not going to completely cut off the story.... And I will "finish" it. Yes it probably will come out as a piece of shit... But what do you expect. I will probably do two or so more updates of the story and leave it at the third year of high school. Because seriously I can't finish it.

SOOOOOOOOOOO..... I need you all to understand this and that me as a creative person need to keep doing new things. So, I might go back to that unfinished Fiolee story.... Maybe... Idk. But yeah. I am thinking about doing a thing of one-shots for you guys... Like whatever anime or shit you like... But the problem with that is.... I DONT KNOW EVERY ANIME OUT THERE. An no offense, I'm not going to watch an entire anime just so I can write a ones got for you guys, you feel?

I do have some other ideas of new stories I want to write. Some anime, some not. And I just really want to take a moment to thank you guys for all this shit you put up with. ;-; I'm sorry I suck.

And with that being said, look forward to the conclusion of this here story, and that no matte what happens it was none of your faults. I won't be doing alternate endings like a few of you have been begging me to do... I might throw in one or two alternate ending... Maybe just maybe. But they won't be super long. So, I need you guys, again, to comment your feels about any new upcoming things you are liking forward to.... Story wise, new book wise, alternate endings. Hit me up and I'll see what I can do. Anything new or different for this story I would be happy to provide seeing if I could add it in. So comment away or message me. I'm open to a lot.


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