Chapter 15: Ready?

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"Ughhh!!!" I put my face in my hands. This was a sick prank, right? The quietness from the room put me on edge.

"Woah Tess, you work here?" Koaru asked.

Yes and no.

"What did you want?" I just wanted to get it over with.

Tamaki straightened up and eyed me slightly. A small frown tugged his lips. "We have a party coming up and we need a cake. The girl here said there were no openings to make a cake in such short notice."

This was pulling at my personal biased to the subject. I really didn't like it at all. "I will find room. When is it?" I asked pulling out the clipboard and pen, ready to write.

"This weekend."

Of course.


The day of the party was on a Friday. I had skipped the club to head down to the shop. I needed to start that cake, I couldn't let them down. Luckily, I ordered the crew ahead of time to get it ready for me. By the time I got there they had it sitting out, cooling.

Pulling on my apron I fiddled trough the fridge for our homemade frosting. Since the members were as dumb as cardboard, they left me with all the imagination and creativity to do as a please with the design of the cake.

The party was just another party and had no theme for me even to work off of. I was thrown into a hole with zero creativeness. They had left me with not a single ounce of where to head with it.

Slapping on pink frosting, I winged it and placed a clutch of different colored roses. Fancy, fun, colorful. Hell I literally pulled an idea out of my ass and it came out damn good.

Maybe using the word 'ass' while making a cake wasn't my best play on words. Shrugging it off, we wheeled the load onto a delivery truck and shipped it off.

Pulling of my gloves, washing my hands, and taking off my apron, I whisked my way back home.

It had struck 9 and I had less than half an hour to get ready. It started at 10:30 an I needed to be there before that.

Plugging in a straightener, I dashed into my closet. I had no time to prance around and try on a bunch of things. I pulled the closeted dress and pair of shoes -that looked like they would match- out of the closet.

I brushed through my hair, wiping a before straightening oil through it. My hair took forever to straighten and by then it was 5 minutes to 10. I would be late. I pulled open my makeup kit and three on mascara and did a 5 second smoky eye with my fingers.

The dress was short, and clung to me. I didn't look the part for a ball at all. I groaned tugging at the end of it to make it somewhat longer. With no avail I pulled it off and made a mad dash to the closet. The closet shine with different glimmer and shine. The dresses were plain, dull, and too fluffy. I wanted to look sexy tonight, for no other reason but for me. I always wore giant ball gowns and today I wanted something different.

I looked back to the ball that once was a dress that lie on my floor. It wasn't appropriate and I had less than three minutes to get out of there. I ripped a dress off the rack and zipped it on. It was all black and clung to me, giving me almost no room to move. The dress ended at my upper thighs and was all ruffled at the bottom. Upside down cupcake, maybe?

With my white heels clutched to my chest and unplugging my hot tool, I ran down the stairs. I opened the bathroom door and snatched the Victoria Secret's bag off the vanity. Stepping onto the cold grass, I flew to the pink limo and fell into it. Literally.

"Drive man!!!" I yelled to Grey, he pulled the car into reverse and we pulled out of the drive way.

I closed the dark window that separated the driver and the passenger area.

Greg's voice sounded through the load speaker. "Oh?" He questioned.

I flicked the switch that allowed him to hear me. "I need to do stuff."

His head bobbed and I flicked the switch again.

Pulling open the bag, I sifted through to find a thong. Yes, I literally stored a thong in a make up bag. Pulling off my underwear I placed them on and stuffed the others in its place. Applying lotion to my legs I was left with smooth, touchable legs. We rounded the corner, just a moment until we would be at the school doors. I applied a gallon of deodorant and a few quick sprays of a perfume that was in the bag. I opened the dark window and pulled on my white heels.

"Thanks man." I said pushing all the things that lie all over the limo at that point. He shook his head with a big grin.


I still felt completely weird going to the school at night. I didn't like it durning the day, why would I like it at night?

The ball room door's were wide open. I made my way to the back of the room to no find a single soul. Which was odd considering I was late. To be exact, the party officially began in ten minutes. By now I felt like everyone would be scurrying around the hall trying to get ready. But no, not a single sound pierced the empty foyer.

"Hello?" My voice trembled off the walls. Where was everyone?

I squinted to the dark letting on a far away sign. I drew closer to read it.

'Make your way outside'

I groaned. Heels + grass= not a fun night. The minimal amount of stone in the garden was not giving me a pleasant outlook of that night. There were so many gaps between the aisle of stone that your heel would go right through. Did chick wear flats to there's thing? Of just really, really chunky heeled shoes?

With a school that had banana suits for dress it wouldn't surprise me if all the girls at the school had zero to no fashion seance. Were these people alright?

Sighing at the sign, I was just delaying the inevitable. I would have to go out there. Opening the glass doors I got a better view of the lawn. The bushes were lined with torches and the tables has candles on them. Simple and elegant.

"Ello?" I called out to see if anyone happened to be around.

The members were all rushing behind the bushes with candles and vases of flowers, trying to set up the last of the tables.

They weren't even close to being ready...

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