Chapter 4: The Call

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When life hits you like a pound of bricks it can be from anything.

A loss

A gain

A realization

Maybe a name

Or in my case, a sentence with all those all together.

"Your sister I dead."

Yes you're sad, angry, lonely. But taken in a seance where you just knew it was going to happen: your confused.

'Couldn't she last just another day?'

'Why now'

And my favorite.

'Why not me?'

Believe it or not I went to school the very next day. I woke up, ate, and went off to school. Those pounds of bricks I was telling you about? No, no, they haven't fallen yet.

"Hey Tess!" My friends came up to me.

Nicole was the only one who knew. She was there. She told me I shouldn't go to school but I persisted. Nicole wasn't much of a crier, but she defiantly shed a tear about the news. It hadn't hit her yet either.

She pulled me aside. "What are you doing here?" My best friend whispered into my ear.

"I don't know." My voice calm and monotone.

"Are you... Ok?" The black haired girl in front of me searched my eyes.

"I.... I don't know." The more she questioned the more confused I became.

She was worried, I could tell. But I wasn't in my right state of mind at all to really comprehend what was truly in store for me.

I walked to my class like any other day. Everyone in their seats bickering and telling jokes until they saw me.

Mild breaths formed long harsh inhales as I took my seat in the front next to my homeroom friends.

"Ugh... Hey Tess.." Diana, to my left, said.

"Are you ok?" Riley, to my right, asked.

I was the loudest human to enter that middle school. My reputation unmatched by all others. When I would enter a room, confidence and rowdiness would come after.

"Fine, why?"

The class settled and the teacher entered with a look on her face like she saw a ghost. I was the ghost.

She took roll and started our lesson for that day. Handing out papers to everyone, she stopped at the cute boy I liked, in the back, and whispered something to him.

We were to take partners that day for a project, and my two friends next to me picked each other. I went to the back to find another loaner when said cute boy came up to me.

"Where's your sister?" He asked.

Oh... Right. She was the pretty one...


"Her sister is dead." A girl behind me spoke. What she didn't realize is how much pain she had caused my entire life after she said that.

And here it came...

"Your sister is dead?"

Those pounds of bricks fell hard. One after another, after another. So hard I was seeing stars. It truly felt like a pound of bricks falling on you, it hurt so bad.

Then came the pity.

I didn't go to school for the rest of the month. Scratch that, year. I showed up once when I thought I was ready and everyone came up to me with more pity and worry. I didn't go back.

Summer was when I actually calmed down. Nicole and George came over everyday after school when I was at home. Somedays we wouldn't talk. Just sit. Maybe cry. Nicole didn't enjoy hugs and closeness but when I was that sad she would hold me.

I was depressed. I had to see this lady over the summer. She was nice. I just didn't like going.

"How are you today? Did you take your medication?" Every morning she would ask.

I finally told my parents I was over it.

Halfway through summer that cute boy saw me at a Shaw's and asked how I was. He used her name. That was the day I cut. I was sent to the hospital and had more counseling and therapy and more pills. That summer was hard.

We moved to Japan.

As much of an ass it is to say it. It was almost a blessing my grandfather passed. We had a reason to move. I was excited. I was away from all the pain and memories.

So school kids have kept in touch with me, but most I pushed away. But then came that cute boy, Liam.

I hadn't talked to him since the Shaw's incident.


Not until I got his call.

"Liam? Like Liam O'Connor?" I asked the voice on the end if the phone.

"Yes." He said.

I swallowed. "Why? Why are you calling me?" I was angry.

"We haven't talked in a while."

I stumbled over my feet but remains to stay balanced. "Y-you... We haven't talked in over 2 years." My breathing was ragged.

"Do you not want to talk?" He seemed bored of my answer.

"I... I don't know..!?" I hung up. I was scared almost petrified.

How did he know my number? Why did he call? Why was I crying.

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