Chapter 7: Map to No Where

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"Nicole, I'm out of luck.. Have you found anything in the past two hours?" I sighed.

There was no way there wasn't a single clue in all of these files. There had to be something, anything!

"Nicole?" I looked at the computer screen. "Nicole!" I yelled.

"Oh what? Man I gave up half an hour ago. I was playing solitaire."

I couldn't help but make a face. Is there a store I can buy new friends?

"Sorry man, you tried. I gottah go though, you bring that bitch down! Peace!" She yelled to me.

"Peace!" The screen went black.

All that was left was me, a bunch of papers, and my sleeping cat.

"I don't suppose you could help me?" She flicked her ear Nd continue to doze. "Right..."


A finger kept poking me as I was sleeping.

"Mm... What?" I pulled my head off my desk.

"Wake up, the teacher almost caught you." Teruo whispered.

I nodded, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and yawned as soon as the bell rang.

"Did I sleep all class?" I asked the two boys.

"Pretty much." The blond laughed.

I shook it off staying in my seat.

"Come on Tess. I know how much you love school but we got to go." Teruo joked.

I ignored his comment as I peered over to Lee. She was laughing with a girl and ten left the class, not even noticing my stare.

"Ugh!" I got up not even bothering to push my chair in. Taking my bag I whisked off into the crowded halls for another day at the Club.

Daichi nudged me. "You ok?"

I nodded. "Are you?"

He sighed shaking his head and chuckled slightly. "I think we all know how I feel."

I groaned. "Same..."

Even though I slept through most of it, it was a long day.

I had to push away my own problems. I needed to fix Daichi before anyone right now.

The three of us found us a table.

"I'll make some tea, be back." I told the two of them.

As I entered the room it felt... Off. You know when you go in your room and something just seems odd. Like a pillow was misplaced and it just feels so... Weird. That was me.

Shrugging it off, I turned the kettle on and rushed over to Kyoya.

"Hey there you!" I smiled at the man in front of me. "I got the files, here." I handed them back to him.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Kyoya flipped through the pages of the files.

I grumbled. "Sadly no, nothing came up."

"Mind me asking what you were looking for?" He closed the file and turned his attention back to me.

"Well that girl hates me..." I pointed out.

"Judging by that fiasco yesterday I would say so." I laughed.

"But I don't know why! I mean I get why she hates me now but, I don't get why she hated me before. Maybe bashing her head in wasn't a good idea...."

Kyoya gave a questionable look. "Excuse me?"

I ignored the daring question. "Nothing, I just wish I knew why."

I was going to ask him to look into it for me but I knew I shouldn't. Kyoya was almost always sleep deprived. The boy had horrible sleep patterns judging by the dark rings around his eyes.

He cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable with me admiring his face.

"Is there anything else you need?" He asked pushing up his glasses.

I nodded with a smile. "Just one. Please get some rest. You work so hard, man." His eyes sunk into mine. "And maybe if you took off the glasses every once and a while, your eyes wouldn't hurt so bad."

He nodded sincerely, leaving me in my thoughts. I dragged myself back over to the table.

I was really lost. What could I do? Was Lee going to try to hurt me again? I didn't know how much more I could take of this...

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