Chapter 13: Light

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I woke up in darkness, my only guide was a small glow of a nearly light. I pulled off the things that covered me. A bed? I thought... Or hoped.

I crouched down, padding over to the glow in soft, gentle steps. Not a sound came from the wooden floors. I pulled off my socks that managed to stay on my feet for the night. My eyes fixed to the glow and managed to make out the doorknob. Pulling it open the glow because a tad lighter, filling up the halls.

The moon flashed through the window making a makeshift guide throughout the house. The house wasn't mine. The tacky wallpaper and runway long rugs pulled me back to my memories of last night. I was in Hikaru's house.

I tried to remember which door was a bathroom, or a guest room, or any room with a clock for that matter. The first door I tried was locked and the second as well. The third was pitch black and I continued down the hall with no avail.

Taking my lead down the stairs I found the kitchen. The room was empty and by no means would I disturbed another by turning on the lights. I sealed my eyes flicking the light on and slowly opened my eyes to get adjusted.

3:00, it was three in the morning. That had to be a joke. Looking down to my feet I noticed I had a tousled version of my outfit from the day before. Thankfully, the maids didn't change me this time. Just the thought of that made my skin crawl.

"Hello?" I heard a deep voice call out from a few walls over.

I turned off the lights, climbing onto the top of the fridge and waited. In the dim I spotted a dark figure glide through the night. The first thing you do when you open a dark room is you turn on the lights. Before the person could think again I backed up against the wall and crouched. I really had no reason to hide but I felt like I was going to get 'caught'.

What if Hikaru's parents didn't want me here? What if they didn't even know? What if that's why I was still in my clothes?! Because the maids didn't even know either?!

In my worrying epidemic my foot slipped an I feel off the fridge. Luckily, I landed in my knees... And the person. I slapped my hand across their mouth before they could even muster an 'ow'.

"Please, don't scream.." I squinted making out the dark figure I landed on. My inner thighs rubbed against said persons 'package' and I booked it off them.

"I'm so sorry! I really shouldn't be on your fridge and you probably think I did something out if the Exorcist or something!" I rammed on trying to whisper scream. I put the 'moron' in oxymoron...

"Tess it's ok. It's me Hikaru. What were you doing on my fridge?" He asked.

The darkness separated him from my blushing face. I really had no answer, but the one I did have was really stupid.

"I thought you were someone else and they would be mad, so I hid on the fridge to hide from you... Well them. And I thought if they caught me I would be in trouble. Why am I in your house?" I asked all in one giant breath.

I couldn't make out his movements in the darkness so I just assumed he went along with it. "You never cease to amaze me." He laughed.

"Why are you up?" Hikaru asked, dodging my question.

"I couldn't sleep. I just kind of naturally woke up. I went to bed really early. Which brings me back to 'Why am I here'?!" I whispered again.

I could tell he shook his head. "You fell asleep remember? I just kinda took you home." He played with the back of his neck.

"Is anyone home? I feel really bad. I tried not to wake anyone..." Leaving out the part of the opening all the damn doors down the hall.

Hikaru snorted. "I woke up because if you. You opened my door and the light woke me up. I didn't know who it was until I followed you."

That's not awkward at all.

"Oh! I'm really sorry!" My face turned red again. I was a really bad guest. Waking you up, hiding on your fridge, tackling you... The usual slumber party jazz.

"No but seriously, is anyone home?" I asked again. He really liked to dodge my questions lately.

I could make out him shaking his head. "Nah, none of them are. Not even Koaru."

Figures, every time I'm over here it's empty. I mean last time I was here it was empty and we.... Gahhhhhh!!!! My face felt like a zillion hot peppers flushed my pores. God dammit Tess!!

"So.." I flustered with my words as they choked out. "I'll head back to the room then. Sorry for everything again!" I backed up trying to inch my way over to the kitchen door.

"Are you ok?" Hikaru's cold hands felt even colder on my flaming face. "You are burning...!?" He half-questioned, half-stated.

So there I was: In the Kitchen, with Hikaru, with cold hands.

I just hoped no lady in a red dress was going to come out of nowhere and try to kill me for a million dollars. After all we were in a mansion.

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