1. What Happened?

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A loud boom. Silence now consuming the atmosphere and a black canvas covering his vision. He was knocked out cold. The last memory being his terrified mothers face, she was screaming something but it was as if her mouth was moving without any words being expelled.

Rustling leaves and snapping sticks were the only things that were heard as he awakens. Quickly grabbing the back of his head because of the throbbing pain coming from it. Why does my head hurt? He quickly opens his eyes and is shocked to see millions of tall dark trees surrounding him, looking up to see the night sky and the only light coming from the reflection of the moon. Looking down He notices his black jeans are ripped and there are multiple holes in his white T-shirt. He quickly attempts to get up, failing the first time since his legs are noodles at this point from laying on the floor for so long. Finally managing to stand up, he looks around. Trees trees and more trees.

How did I end up in a forest? Wheres mum?? He starts panicking, grabbing at the brown, oily curls hanging from his head. He begins to walk, which quickly turns into a light jog when he hears the sound of an animal nearby. At this point he is terrified, he doesn't remember anything that happened and he doesn't know where he is or how he ended up in a forest, on the ground, with a raging headache.

I have to find a road or a house or something. I can't think straight and this headache isn't helping either! Wheres mum? How did I get here?? Why aren't I-

He stops immediately when he hears a faint noise. It sounded like a groan mixed with a pant. Searching around he doesn't see anything around him, until his eyes meet something.. or better yet someone.

"Hello?? Excuse me!" He shouts. Unaware of what the consequences were to his actions, he continues. He walks towards the figure as they keep on walking away from him. "Please! I need your help, I don't know where I a-"

Right when he reaches the stranger, he puts his hand on his shoulder, the stranger turns around and the boy is shocked to see a man, or what he believes to be a man.

Just as he's about to step back, the supposed "man" grabs onto his shoulders and attempts to drive at his neck. He pushes the "man" away with enough force for it to let go. His heart is beating out of his chest as he starts to run the opposite direction, What was that??? His skin was literally coming off of his bones! He was so pale and he tried to bite my neck off!!

He keeps running until he can't anymore. He looks around and notices a light in the distance. He runs towards it and is relieved when he sees an old cabin house. He walks up to the porch, nearly tripping over the step and knocks on the door.

"Hello, is anyone home?? There's someone or something trying to attack me and I need help!"

No answer.

He jiggles the knob, it slowly opening to reveal an abandoned-looking house. He closes the door and quietly steps in. The house is neat and appears vintage, an old fireplace, wooden chairs and tables. As he walks further into the house he notices pictures on the walls. Some showing a happy couple, others showing a couple of teenage girls and one that caught his eye in specific.

A young boy, his blue eyes shining like the ocean and his wide smile that made crinkles form next to his eyes. He was wearing a graduation gown, standing next to many younger girls and the happy couple from before. As he looks at the pictures, the more he realizes how alone he is and how lost he feels inside. He's lost his family, his friends, and for some reason theres something that appears to be a man trying to kill him. What did I do to deserve this?

He walks over to the couch that's next to the fire place, his eyes becoming misty and his cheeks a light pink. A tear streams down as he closes his eyes, curled up on the corner of the sofa, he drifts off to sleep, the constant thought of what's to be and what's to come haunting him.

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