26. Happier

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(His missing part is all of that)

The pain in Louis body was unbearable and he was almost positive that he now has an infection in his left arm. As he walked, every step he took got him even closer to passing out and dying on the floor, but he needed to find out what those huge gates were hiding.

His vision began to get blurry, he couldn't hold himself up anymore, and with one last breath, he blacks out, but not before he feels the floor underneath him, the impact was what put him num and unconscious.

He doesn't know how much time has passed or what happened, but for some reason he felt something soft and warm ontop of his body. As he squints open his eyes, he realizes he's in a room, and he was laying on a bed. He scans the room, and in the corner there's a light ontop of a desk. There's also a man sitting at the desk.

The person hasn't noticed Louis was awake yet, so Louis sees this as an opportunity to sneak up on him and find out where he was.

But when he tries to get up, he groans in pain, holding his arm, he falls back down. The man turns from the chair and almost jumps out of the chair to get to Louis as quick as possible.

"Please don't move, you're okay. You have a bad infection in your arm but I patched it up for you."

Louis looks at the man. His dark hair covers most of his face and his eyes are filled with fear of what Louis might do. Louis tries to position himself far from the man and leans back against the bed frame.

"Where am I?" He ask.

"St. Mary, we found you passed out in front of our gates and when I noticed you arm I took you in. Please don't make me regret that." He warns in worry.

"Don't worry," Louis soothes him.

Cameron eases back in relief and grabs the chair from his desk and swings it next to the bed.

"So you gonna tell me how you ended up by the gates, or atleast your name?"

Louis barely remembers what happened before he blacked out, but he knew what he needed to find.

"It's Louis."

Cameron smiles. "Nice to meet ya, I'm Cameron."

Louis nods before saying, "I'm looking for someone." Cameron puts on a confused face.

"May I ask who?"

"Someone special." Louis cheekily responds with the biggest smile. Just the mention of Harry makes him blush, as hardcore and badass as Louis may make himself seem, he has the biggest soft spot for his Hazza. Just the thought of finding him brings light into this darkness that's consuming him.

"I hope you find them soon." Cameron acknowledges his change in mood and smiles back.

After a few seconds of silence, Louis groans in pain. He holds onto his arm and winces, Cameron jumps from his chair and moves to see his arm.

"Let me take a look," he suggest in a very concerned tone.

Louis looks at Cameron, doubting whether or not he should trust this guy or not. He thinks to himself if Cameron tries to do something, Louis can easily grab the machete hanging from his belt.

He slowly turns so that he's laying on his right side and let's Cameron check the wound.

Cameron reaches and begins to unwrap the bandaged wound, jolts of pain shoot up Louis arm even though Cameron is being extremely cautious.

Once unwrapped, the nub is exposed, red and irritated, a bit swollen. Louis looks, but he doesn't react as much to it, he's used to it by now.

Cameron on the other hand might barf if he doesn't wrap it up soon.

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