Life update. ((Marriage, Loss, and Stepping back.))

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(I first posted this on my "blog book" but no one read it and I want you all to read it.)

Salams to all! First and foremost, I know I have been gone for wayyyy too long! I know. I understand. But here's a thing. I am not going to apologize because I am not sorry for being away. I will be better able to help you all understand why in two words.

College student. Nuff said.

Yes I am a college student and when you're in college, you barely get time to even scratch your head. Or as they say in urdu "Sar khujaaney ki fursat nahi." hehe.

So I was away because I was busy with my semester in general.


Something very exciting happened to me this year. In October of 2016, I got married. Alhamdulillah. I wouldn't be able to describe the happiness and contentment I have felt ever since. Allah has blessed me with the best of best. I simply can't describe my fulfillment. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. <3

I have been so happy and so excited and so distracted because of that, I just simply didn't want to distract myself from those "lovely" thoughts. lol.

I was reading ya'll's messages all the time. (Through email.) I was reading who was asking me to update and who was eager for me to come back. I appreciate you sticking around.

I am going to be completely honest. At around august time this year, I had decided to discontinue both of my stories. My grandfather passed away in August (Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon) and that was the time of utter sadness and sleepless nights for me and my family. Losing a loved one and that too someone who loves you more than you love yourself is not a very easy to get through in a little time. But Allah granted us patience and the power to trust His will and keep going with our lives. Alhamdulillah Ala'a kulli haal.

Keep my nana jaan(grand father) in your sincere prayers. We all need it.

I saw how eagerly you guys are waiting and I didn't want to disappoint any of you lovelies. So it is with great joy I declare that I am NOT going to discontinue my stories. The tale of SAMAR (mashup name by all you beautifuls) and Hamna will continue and I am so excited to start writing again.

Not exactly sure how many days from now, but you will all see a brand new chapter of both my stories very VERY soon! I promise and I hope I can keep this promise this time.

Please pray for me and my new journey which I am so excited to continue along with you all by my side.

That was my current life update and I promise to keep you all updated as more exciting news fills my life inshaAllah.

(hint. hint. You already know it, don't you? ;)

Don't be shy! Let me know in the comments what you think is the next exciting thing about to happen in my life. :)

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