Gravity FAQ. || READ ME!

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Gravity FAQ.

Not an update sorry.

I just wanted to answer some questions and confusions that are now starting to piss me off because people should know these things. There's a reason I write in such detail. But anyway, let's get to your "FAQs."

First and the most popular one (And I've received some harsh comments about that) -

Q: Aren't Safa and Omar cousins? Ew.


Are Safa and Omar cousins? If so, why don't they have the same surname?

A: No they're not cousins. I believe I explained this very well in the first or second chapter. I wrote how Omar's father got to be Safa's dad's "brother." I kindly suggest you go back and read it all again.

Bottom line, Safa's dad and Omar's dad are stepbrothers and so Safa and Omar aren't blood related.

But even if they were cousins, there is nothing EW about that. Why do you (if you do) cover up in front of your male cousins? Islam's hijab law says that a woman is supposed to cover up in front of her non-mahrams - also known as people who she can marry. Does that explain it? Am I right or am I wrong?

Second and also very popular -

Q: Why doesn't Safa wear a hijab? Isn't she a Muslim?

A: of course she's a Muslim. I've never seen any non-Muslim with the name Safa and then Muhammad. Ok and why she doesn't wear a hijab? Again, I've explained this very well in the earlier chapter. Safa and her family aren't very strict about Islam and its rules. Not only Safa's, even Omar's family's the same. For them, wearing a hijab or listening to music isn't wrong. They don't know that it's fard to wear a hijab. And I just added this little twist to make the story a little interesting. I feel like all the stories are the same when the MC is like "....I got up and told my brother to turn the music off and put on some Quran" or when the MC is going somewhere and she goes "...I put on my hijab and black jilbab on. I put my niqab on because my beauty is preserved for my husband and blah blah" ... Don't you think that's too typical? So I just put this little flaw in their family to make the story a little different.

But this doesn't at all mean that I think Safa and her family are perfect. I know they're wrong. I do wear a hijab Alhumdulillah. Just because any of my characters is a bad Muslim, doesn't mean I agree with them. It's their point if view, not mine. People correct me like I said my shahadah only a year ago Astaghfirullah. Alhumdulillah I was born a Muslim.

Q: They're not married yet, why are they both putting the rings themselves and touching each other's hand?

A: Again, they don't know it's HARAAM for two non-mahrams to touch each other.

Q: How come Zahra wears hijab but Safa doesn't?

A: My mistake I'm sorry. I'm so used to writing and reading "...she/I put my hijab on", that I wrote it for her without even thinking lol. I'm sorry. People thought its because Zahra is more religious or something, but that's not the case. They're all same. So again, I'm sorry for that confusion.

Q: Why are your updates slow?

A: I try my best to upload as fast as I can but you all have to understand. This isn't the only thing in my life. I have a lot of other stuff to care of too.

In the end, I want to recognize some people who've been with me since day one of this book and always bring my mood up when I'm down.









ALL OF YOU! Thank you so much for sticking with the story even though at times, it confuses you. I love you guys ... Salams!

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