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"Jungkook, where are you?"

"I'm at _____'s house," he replied, taking a sip as he listened to his mother nag about how 'He was never in the house anymore' and how 'he never loved his parents the way he used to'. He rolled his eyes. Her nagging went about as endless as the sea.

"Whatever, Jungkook!" She finally concluded her nagging. "You're never home anymore! I don't know what do with you. It's as if you don't love us! As if the absence of Jung Hyun wasn't enough, you'd have to leave too! I'm - "

"Listen here," he began to argue, "this is the only time I'm ever outside the house, and you don't let me do it? Mom, I'm serious. I'm only here because it's raining, anyway! Ugh, mom, I can't believe you! You're the one who's always telling me to go out more often and to socialize. Well, that's what I'm doing, mom! And you can't even - "

"Oh, so you're answering back to your mom now. Wow, Jungkook. You're just like your father."

"Father's in the house more often than you. I'm not surprised I got his traits instead of yours."

His mother only gasped in reply. "You know what, Jungkook?! You can stay there for as loooooong as you want! I don't care anymore! I'm done dealing with you, Jungkook."

"You can't do that - you're a mother. You're dealing with Jung Hyun and I until you die."

"Yeah, right!" She shot. "Goodbye, you twit! I'll see you in this house never!"

Sometimes his mom was such a bratty, spoiled, old, cranky eye-roller it drove him crazy. He threw his phone to the couch in frustration and rubbed his face, groaning at how upset he was. Jungkook was supposed to be happy he was alone now, but now? The silence felt deafening.
He needed something to distract him and fast -

"Jungkook? You still there?" .

Silently, he thanked his lucky star that _____ crossed his path.

Just as he heard her voice holler from the entrance of the library, Jungkook plopped down to the couch and called for her weakly. She came running to his side.

"I'm sorry I got held up, I had to deal with the Jung siblings and I just - wait, Jungkook, are you crying?"

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