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"_____, get off me please."

"Uhm, no?" She quickly swung a leg over his hip and wrapped her arms around his torso. "Is that even a way to bid me goodnight, Jungkook?"

"I have to pee."

"Hold it in."

"Are you actually serious-"

"I'm kidding," she smiled and touched her forehead against his back. "You're so warm and it's so cold, that's why I don't want to get rid of you just yet."

"It'll be even warmer with my pee on your bed. Now please, let me go, my bladder's going to explode."

This time the older woman didn't object, but simply untangled her limbs from him and huffed, turning the other direction. He shook his head and headed to the bathroom to do his business.

Once he returned from his bathroom escapades, he found her sound asleep, her face squished on one side as soft whistles elicited from her nose as she breathed.

Jungkook got art inspiration!

He dug his bag for his art supplies, which he brought with him anywhere, regardless of where it was. For a few minutes he did nothing but look at her, and soon he began to sketch. He made sure to take note of her small details; like the shape of her face, the length of her eyelashes, the curve of her brow, the shape of her nose. . . he made the smaller details mean the most, and put so much love and effort the drawing, even though he could hardly see in the faint light the lamp had provided him. She shifted in her sleep by the time Jungkook was finished.

"Noona, I have to leave," he said, sitting at the edge of her bed and patting her thigh gently, repeating the same pattern because he knew this helped her sleep a whole lot easier. She mumbled in her sleep a few incoherent words and grinded her teeth, but soon she squinted her eyes to see him smiling down at her.

"Jungkook, you're so corny," she laughed before pulling him down into a kiss.

Who would have expected that something so simple and innocent could turn into something....different?

"I'll stay," he said between everything else. "I'll stay."

The kiss turned into something even more heated as the night grew, but sadly his elder knew he couldn't stay.

"Jungkook," she said as she placed his hand on his bare chest. "You can't stay."

"But I want to stay."

She sat up, holding the comforter up to her chest to hide her almost-bare torso. "Jungkook, you know what will happen . . . we can't keep on dragging you staying out like this forever."

"Forever can wait one more day," he said, and proceeded to kiss her even more. She didn't object though - in fact, she looked like she liked it.

"No, but. . ."

"But what?"

She closed her eyes and shook her head, avoiding his eyes. "You just can't stay, Jungkook. It's not right for you to stay."

"I've stayed one night, why not one more?"

"You just can't, okay?" ______ raised her voice and held the comforter tighter to her chest. "You can't stay. Go home, Jungkook."

"Just a while ago you didn't want to let me go, now you want me to leave," Jungkook hastily put on his shirt and gathered his things. "I don't get why you're so self contradicting. It makes me so confused - one minute, you're holding me as if I'd leave you the second after, the next you're desperate to get me out your door. What's up with that?"

"I can't explain - "

"Of course you can," he fumed, standing by the doorway. "You just don't want to."

And Jungkook left with no other words.

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