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"No I'm not," he replied, looking at her skeptically even though his vision was now blurred. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, Jungkook," _____'s shoulders slumped in sympathy. She began looking for something throughout the library. "What's the matter?"

"As if I'd tell you."

"You can't keep acting so...so full of apathy forever, you know," she came back with a box of tissues. "We all have times wherein we have to cry."

"I have no time for crying," he said even though he was sobbing.

"Urgh, Jungkook, honestly," she rolled her eyes at his response and cupped his face with one hand and the other dabbing his eyes with a tissue as he sobbed.

"I'm okay, I'm okay," he said as he sobbed softly, _____'s hands dashing frantically around his face to wipe away his tears.

Soon deciding she had enough, _____ pulled Jungkook's neck towards the crook of hers, allowing him to cry in somewhat of a privacy. He shook, still somewhat shaken by everything his mother said to him.

"It's okay, Jungkook," she rubbed his back as he hiccupped, "It's okay..."

Jungkook noticed that she was leaning backwards a little bit, obviously because of him. He tried to pull away the slightest bit, but she just wouldn't allow it. She instead continued to lean further back until they were both lying down on the recliner.

Not that Jungkook minded as much. This actually relaxed his back a bit.

(He was thankful)

"What comforts you on a rainy day?" She asked, still rubbing his back comfortingly.

"Well," he started, still breathing irregularly. "My...my mom used to tickle my arms by caressing them with her fingertips..."

_____ began to undress his school's blazer. "Okay, what else?"

"She...she'd hold me tight. Like she was never letting me go until the storm stopped."

His noona hummed in response as she folded one of his sleeves to expose his arm. Unknowing to her, she began to do exactly what his mother had did to him when he was younger. "Okay, Jungkook...is there any more?"

"She'd sleep with me by the fireplace.."


She did a much better job at this than his mother did.

Now that Jungkook had thought about it, his mom's absence actually bothered him a lot. More than often his mother wasn't home. When she was, they'd all be away. There was never an occasion where they were all at the table together - his mother, his father, his brother and he.

Growing up, he ate alone in the silence he had grown used to these past couple of years. He remembered when their dining room had been as small as his room now, but the table was full. But then as he grew, the dining room kept getting bigger and bigger, the table getting emptier as fast as time went.

That's why growing accustomed to eating alone when you grew up affected lots of aspects of your life. He did everything alone from then on, not really enjoying the company-less lonely but soon adapting to it, to the point he never wanted anyone in the house.

As Jungkook soon calmed down his breathing to the beat of hers, Jungkook's eyes grew tired with thinking and crying and pain and began to fall asleep.

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