Chapter One: The beginning.

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Hey guys! So this is the REAL beginning...The chapter thing before was just info and flashbacks :) It 's only two days before the graduation exams at the Academy. YAYAYAY! Now get reading! OH YEAH! The story is caught up now. Atsuaki is 12 years old.


'Atsuaki? Come eat!' Inuyasha yells from down the hall. After putting my pet hamster Elephant back in her cage,I slowly make my way to food. The smell of Ramen fills my nose and my mouth waters. I hurry to the kitchen and grab a bowl. With Ramen hanging from my hungry mouth I say,

'Thanks Inuyasha! My favorite!' He nods, grabbing his bowl and joining me.Prior to previous events, Lord Hokage gave us an apartment and money until Inuyasha can work again. Over the seven days since the'aciddent' Inuyasha hasn't spoken much. He just nods and shakes his head. Today I got him to play Our Game for a little while. He would smile every time I would hit him. Then I threw one a little off and he told me that we would play later. He said 'I'm sorry Atsu' and kissed my forehead. The rest of the night was quiet and boring.

Sleep was hard to come by most of the time.

The nightmares wouldn't occur as often,but fear was always present. The dark of night lifted fast then I wanted.

Smiling, I got out of bed and ran down the hall to Inuyasha's room. 'Inuyasha! Tomorrows the day of the graduation exams at the Academy!' I say, as he sits up. He rubs his eyes, then says ' Silly girl! How could I forget with you reminding me all the time?' He smiles, standing up.

'What are you gonna wear?' He asks, going through my closet.

'Silly! I got an outfit on my birthday!' I say, grabbing it. He inspects it like clue, making little Mhmm noises.


'Well?!' I ask, becoming impatient.

'It's perfect!' He says, smiling.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Morning before day of graduation!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Me,being awesome ( but when am I not? ) strolled threw the doors in my new outfit. It was all black except for the gold Karasu music note on the back and the purple spray paint looking spots all over. IT.LOOKS.AWESOME.

I take my normal seat next to Shikamaru.

'Great.You again.This is such a drag' I heard him mutter.We go through this everyday! Just as I was about to yell at Shikamaru, the sensi walks in. Hes carrying Naruto on his back.

That boy! Always getting in trouble. Iruka-sensi starts chewing him out for the 'art' on the Hokage's faces.

'I'm at the end of my rope Naruto. You've failed the graduation test last time, and the time before that. Tomorrow you've got another chance, and your messing up again!' Iruka-sensi says. Naruto just hmphs.

'Fine! Because you missed it,Naruto, everyone will review the transformation jutsu!' The class groans. Stupid Naruto! I suck at the transformation jutsu!

First up was Sakura, that hoe. Always acting so desperate around Sasuke! Geez.

'Alright,Sakura here. Lets do it. Transform!' She says, transforming into Iruka-sensi.

'Transformed into me? Good' Iruka-sensi says, as Sakura transforms back.

'Yes! I did it! Sasuke did you see that?' She asks, then walks back to her seat.

'Next, Sasuke Uchiha!' Iruka-sensi calls. Sauske steps up.

'Uh, good' Iruka-sensi says as Sasuke turns into him. He tranforms back and takes his seat.

All Those Happy Endings, And This Is The One I Get?! (A Naruto Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora